currently and presently typing

It’s hard to blog sometimes. I want to write more. I’m not okay with the status of the United States.

I’ve been working on art for a show and sell and musical performance on February 28th and I’ll post a flyer on here with more information when it is ready.

It’s been a ridiculously dry January (weather wise) in Portland, Oregon.

I heard Georgia and Florida got snow last week. That’s wild!

Ashley and I adopted a little black kitten on October 1st and named her Wisdom.

She’s a little ball of energy and fresh new breath to our little family.

Currently listening to the band, “Jesus Lizard”. homie’s voice is wild!

Over last summer I went through a very hard moment. It was hard to feel the inspiration to create. I wanted to just lay around and wallow. Not exactly sure over what. In recent months I’ve found my spark and I’ve been creating more frequently. I understand the need to share more on this .com. fuck… if i’m going to spend $40 a month for a site, it’s pretty silly not to.

So to anyone reading. thank you. ya’ll are really great for sticking with me through everything.

it’s time to put the laptop away and get to work at the cafe.

be free!


It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This

We must localize, harmonize, and find our most sincere selves in this moment.

Find ways to make meaningful change in our selves, our families, and our neighborhoods.

Only then will we be able to find a way to move into a greater existence.

Based not in fear, but in integrity, love, gratitude, and hope.

It is apparent to me the current system of things is not working.

The United States election results make that absurdly clear to me.

As Bernie Sanders said: “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.”

We need more voices of representation. More communication and collaboration.

Two sides will always be the same side of the same coin, dollar, the machine, or whatever you need to metaphor.

hey .com

it’s been difficult to fluidly type on this platform as often as social media side tractioins but i’m working on it. i’m alive. i am loved and i am love and don’t undermine the less typing here. i’ll bring it all back. you can be certain of that. there’s a lot on the instagram for those of you outside reading this. and

be wild. be free. smile lots.


Adventure time!

Headed to Coos Bay, Oregon with Ashley Klump for a few days. It’ll be the first time exploring the Central/Southern Oregon coast.

Typing this as we just passed through Depot Bay. Completely in awe of the coastline thus far. What a freakin place to be.

today is tuesday

I had a little cold and it hit me hard. congested and stuck in bed for longer than I’d like to have been.

today i successfully got out of the bed, showered, organized home and a little more.

life is strange and it gets stranger.

I recently finished the series “True Detective”.

Season one: perfect. fucking Matthew Mcnakhkhdgklhdalgj making a believer out of me.

season two: bleh. i just can’t take Vince Vaughn seriously as an actor. haha

season three: absolutely adorable. i have a soft spot for a story with someone experiencing schizophrenia or dementia.

season four: loved it!

I listened to an album by Malibu Ken (self titled) recently that hit me hard while I was in my art and herb hour last tuesday night. I highly recommend it. Hip hop isn’t always my thing but when it hits right it hits, right?

It’s about time for a grocery store run so I’m going to be the laptop down.

be free. stay free. always.



good, okay, and alright

three sides of an ever-rotating obtuse triangle

“This is not your apocalypse! we all did this so don’t get it twisted”

that’s what he yelled

like one of those fuckers obsessed with poker

we all know one of them

or some of them

i am not the monster i occasionally foster

her name is Martha

i think

i think a lot

articulation is another part of gravity that is best left to the trees

i believe

Patti Smith !!!

Ashley Klump and I are about to head downtown to the Pioneer Courthouse Square to see the legendary Patti Smith perform.

As a singer, writer, and visual artist who only recently discovered this goddess in the last five or so years it feels like a true honor.

Patti envelopes so many of the things I strive to bring to my performances and grateful to know there is someone who has been doing it decades before I even knew about her.

It’s going to be just under 100 degrees downtown. Surrounded by concrete and a lotta sweaty folks. So here goes the adventure of a lifetime. Eeeeek!!!


11 Years

Today marks 11 years since Smoggie Catt and my self arrived in Portland, Oregon to start a new life.

It’s been a wild and amazing journey thus far and we look forward to many many more.

Grateful for all the friends we’ve made and all the love that’s been shared. Thank you all!

-ABC and SC

New World’s End Girlfriend Album

One of the biggest influences on the sounds I create these days is World's end girlfriend ! Sometime this year he is putting out an epic 35 song, 144 minute album and I am beyond ecstatic to sit and absorb the worlds he will explore.

Wedding Weekend

It’s going to take me a moment to fully transcribe all the love and gratitude I have for this weekend.

Firstly, to Ashley Klump, for loving this crazy fox enough to give me a shot at the ultimate commitment.

Secondly, to all the friends and family, that came from near and far and helped put all the little pieces together to make this a celebration a reality! I’m going to miss a lot of names so give me time to take notes and better explain each in depth.

Off the top of my head, Chelsey, Alex Edmands, Clyshaw, Burt, Elaine, Aunt Mag, Craig and Kristie Klump, Bonnie Latham.. Damn I know I am forgetting so many! Hank! Flying Caravan! Ian Rowan! All the volunteers at TCWL!

Holy wow ya’ll! Seeing our families commingle, seeing what our little nieces found magical in nature! All the little art pieces!

The giant canvases everyone collaborated to create, the little everyone painted, we’ve yet to fully absorb, the gifts and cards from everyone, (Josh and Hank) for the handmade art gifts, all the beautiful toasts… Matt! Nate! for becoming closer and better friends! Nicole for the sound advice of staying hydrated and helping Ashley and my self in so many ways it’ll days to explain!

I am beyond words and there are many more moments to share!

It felt necessary to try and write a little while I’m still buzzing!

Atomic for the flowers!

Bethany and Brian for photos and video, we cannot wait to see!

Thank you everybody! I am so grateful and love you ALL SO FREAKIN MUCH!

Kellen and Brit for helping get the food! AAaaaah!!! I know there are so many more to thank! and I will! Either digitally or most likely in a hand written note. You made this fox and swan’s dream a reality and it wouldn’t have been the same without every freakin one of you! thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!