I found my wallet; it never left the pocket of my work pants.
Which yes, that means I walked aimlessly through the Northwest Portland for an hour last night. Never mind that. It was a pleasant walk even if it was half a blur.
Other Miscellaneous Brain Thoughts!
- Anyway... I need to finish these edits for this book.
- Also eggs and hash browns must also be made.
- And then Jordyn's party is tonight.
- Also, I miss playing music on a stage with people. A lot more lately.
- Listen to the song I posted above. Yay Tame Impala!
- Also, it's beautifully Fall all around Portland and I love it.
- Loving the smell of lavender more than ever. I think it smells better in the Fall.
- Harnessing my brain powers is the greatest endeavor I've ever taken. It keeps me very amused.
- If you are reading this on tumblr go to my website fools!
- Time to be productive!
- Bye!