Life As Of Late

These posts are fun. I have a blog. I pay $30 a month for this webprint. 

Yet I feel I've seen, felt, and learnt more in the last year than I could ever transcribe into print.

Truth is I spend a lot of time drawing: pictograph comics, weird scribble sketches, pastel thing its, Alfreds. 

Yet I rarely ever share the most of them. Why? I don't know.  I really don't.  

I want to make prints of this and that but I'm not there yet. It'll happen.

i've learned a lot about patience in this past year. I've learned a lot about myself.

I have been in a relationship with Sabrina Walker for almost a year now. That's a big wow! She's a remarkable and stunning individual. I could ramble on for pages about how she makes me happy. I've never felt a love like this. 

I have learned a great deal about politics and let me tell you shit is fucked up. Our climate is changing, people are out of work, our (United States) government is corrupt, and we're not doing enough about it. The old don't want to talk about it and the young don't want to think about it. That's not an opinion. That's a fact.

I got a new job and work a whole lot. A little more than I want but I need the bucks to do what I want. 

What is that you ask? Simply said to make money off of art. To create a free and open network. 

How? Well that goes back to patience and hard work.  

I don't expect the most of people to get it. I sometimes question my focus myself.  

Yet my dream of a Sleepwalking Collective has expanded from just me to me plus three and already others have expressed interest in joining this adventure.  

But you're just drawing pictures. How's that suppose to account for anything? That goes back to having patience. I'm only at Moment 93

From what I've gathered thus far life is about moments, connections, gratitude, and love.  

I want to give the world something genuine but that stuff can't be rushed.  

Life as of late? It's pretty damn great. As for the details.... It's not all that important anyway.  

I'm telling you I'm happier than I've ever been. There's a lot of messed up shit happening but there's power in communion with your fellow (wo)man. 

Reach out to others but don't break your back.

The ones worth your time will always reach back. 

Who's you talking to A.B.? Oh nobody friend. I'm just rambling. 
