The grey is good. It's lingering. I'm grateful.
I organized two notebooks of art today. There's a lot of stuff there. I lost this notebook, last dated entry was March 28th, but my coworker found it on Wednesday. There's a lot of gems I shared as Sleepwalking Moments that I had given up as laterday memories.
I met a guy last night who is interested in making my logo dude into an animation. My friend Zak introduced me to him and with our powers combined I'm excited to see what becomes of that venture.
Also in the last couple weeks I have sold a handful of prints and/or framed pieces from Vivace. To anyone who has bought one, thank you very much. I'm hope you found magic in your purchase.
On that subject, I'm also willing to mail prints out. I have about 13 different designs ready for print. I'm selling 11x17 prints for $25 or $30 if shipping is involved.
If you are interested in one of the following, email me at with your mailing address and which print you'd like and we'll work it out from there.
Because processing orders and going to the post office is a job in itself I have designated Thursday as Post Office Day. So if you're interested in a print, email me by then.
If not you have to wait until next week. Also I'lll post more prints available as time progresses.
I've been attempting to make a gallery page, but I haven't locked in a convenient format yet.
In the mean time, check out these prints and email me if you're interested in a print.
I'm just remembering to feel the breeze, smell the roses (literally), sing more songs, and wander as much as the sun permits me.
I'm very grateful for these mellow grey days. They've been fewer then I'd like in recent months but grateful for the ones that come around. They help my mind rest and my body settle.
Anyway... Be free fellow earthlings,
"Either Way"
"Alfred 16"