We made it back in to Portland, Oregon about 5pm Thursday afternoon.
I found out the night before a very dear friend of mine, Sue, had passed Monday unexpectedly from a heart attack. I’ve attempted to focus on the life she lived. Caring, Giving, Selfless. Sue taught me the difference in “I” and “We”. She was only about 60, far too young, in my opinion.
It’s good to be back near Smoggie Catt and Precious. Cat companions are the best.
I did some driving on the way back from Idaho. I do like driving the open roads and listening to music. It’s a high I can get use to.
Now back in town unpacking, resettling, myself and my boxes from the move before the trip to Idaho.
I uploaded a few more photos from the trip below.
I’m readjusting the noise. It was nice being somewhere quiet. Even my head stayed quiet most of the time.
The city has it’s benefits and I have a more clear objective than ever on how to make the goals I want as an entertainer, writer, artist happen. It takes focus. Something I struggle to do, but I got to.
I’ve sold 3 of the 5 shirts I made. I am going to make more in varying sizes in the coming weeks.
I hung some new art in Anna Bannana’s and going to start working on recording some music soon.
And now I need to leave the cafe, get off the computer, and organize, make space, in the home base.
this pretty face, Ashley Klump.
In the Shadows of the Teton Mountains.
Snake River, Twin Falls, Idaho
Selfies with Ashley Klump