currently and presently typing

It’s hard to blog sometimes. I want to write more. I’m not okay with the status of the United States.

I’ve been working on art for a show and sell and musical performance on February 28th and I’ll post a flyer on here with more information when it is ready.

It’s been a ridiculously dry January (weather wise) in Portland, Oregon.

I heard Georgia and Florida got snow last week. That’s wild!

Ashley and I adopted a little black kitten on October 1st and named her Wisdom.

She’s a little ball of energy and fresh new breath to our little family.

Currently listening to the band, “Jesus Lizard”. homie’s voice is wild!

Over last summer I went through a very hard moment. It was hard to feel the inspiration to create. I wanted to just lay around and wallow. Not exactly sure over what. In recent months I’ve found my spark and I’ve been creating more frequently. I understand the need to share more on this .com. fuck… if i’m going to spend $40 a month for a site, it’s pretty silly not to.

So to anyone reading. thank you. ya’ll are really great for sticking with me through everything.

it’s time to put the laptop away and get to work at the cafe.

be free!