oh i am fucking sucking on keeping up this .com, yall.
if you’re still checking inn and reading these words, give me a hello in a comment below.
let me know you are here.
i’d like to get rid of my social media and focus all my energies on this thing.
tangent: jazz music in the background.
i found a short essay in a little book form called “walking” by henry david thoreau.
it was a quick read and very relevent to me. i wander a lot and nice to hear the perspective of an american artist in the mid 1800’s on the state of the republic and the need to stay wild and free.
my favorite thing i read was:
“Perchance, when, in the course of ages, American liberty has become a fiction of the past—as it is to some extent a fiction of the preseent—the poets of the world will be inspired by American mythology.”