Well Played

It's no game 

There's no reason  

I forgot I was dreaming

Woke up breathing

It all seemed very natural to me

To others it's living  

To some it's hell


How ya doin?  

Daytime chores

And a chorus of love will surely get you moving  

I saw it on the TV

They have a medicine for everything  

Thanks for Giving

I fell asleep stoned silly last night, listening to the rain, letting the wind blow drip drops through the window as I lay below listening to one of my favorite artist, World's End Girlfriend.

I got out of bed about 1pm, binge drinking coffee and feeling experimental. I pulled out the synth and garageband and started making noise. Below is the final, only recorded proof of that moment that has been the last couple hours or so. I don't know much about time.

I may add more tracks to this one after said shower. I also need to wander outside because I still have not done that today. 

I should shower and munch on something. I am going to my friend Alan Page's this evening and a shower would give me some focus. 

The last year has been one of the most uncertain of my entire life up until now and I've been very contemplative and reflective on truly what I am thankful/grateful for.

I normally don't pay this holiday of Thanksgiving much mind, but I am taking time to really contemplative the why's of whom and what I am grateful for all week.

To those that have been part of the past year, I thank you all for the good, the bad, and damn right ugly because in the past year I have remembered and discovered a lot more than I will type out in this moment. Let the music do the rest. 

Be Free Fellow Earthlings,


one, two, three, four, so many cups of coffee

Hello Fellow Earthlings,

I bought the book, The Alchemist, about 10 days ago, finished it 3 days ago. I recommend it. I didn't like the ending, but it got my brain and heart moving in ways I appreciate.

I sang a few songs at an open mic  a few blocks from my house last night. I still haven't learned fully how to simultaneously build noise on the keyboard and sing words over them.

I miss having a full band. I'd rather front a band and write words to dance along to and make noise music on the side. It's all a continual work in progress. I acknowledge I need to practice more.

I lost my mixer a little bit back due to drama not worth acknowledging in this post, but I may be in the process of getting a new mixer so I can play my synth/mic into that. 

Today.. cleaned my room real good like, sorted laundry to do after work tomorrow afternoon, about to do some dishes, should probably eat some food, on my third cup of coffee, updated webstore. 

Happy with the politics happening in my home state of Virginia. Change is possible.

In case you are wondering. Climate change is real and is happening. 

I love my planet and it aches my heart to see what we've done and continue to do to our wonderful planet. 

I don't wanna end this on a sad note, but my attention span is drifting. 

I still have some cleaning and shower before going to work this evening. 

Be free, ABC

do things

Sleepwalking Moment SW1005

Sleepwalking Moment SW1005

I bought a new book on Friday night. The Alchemist. It's been suggested to me many times and it finally jumped out to me. So far, absolutely beautiful. Simply worded yet mystical nonetheless.

I had a very chillax weekend. There was bits of rain, but mostly clear by day. I didn't do a lot by day, but it felt good that way. Lazy, cozy days, and nights of magic and passion.

Today I had a job interview in SW Portland for a cafe by the Tram. That seems like it could be fun, fast paced work in a part of Portland that is very foreign to myself. I like new perspectives. That part of town feels like a whole different city.

Now I am finalizing these words to finish getting for work tonight, 5-11:30ish at Subway in Oldtown, Portland, Oregon. As for perspectives that place has given me some interesting thoughts on perspectives.

I posted some new art in my intereweb store. There are a lot more than need to go there. They will soon enough. 

I'm loving the crisp, grey days here in Portland. So many poppin' red leaves.

I lied in my window and let the wind and rain blow in my face a few nights ago. it smelt/felt so good. i love the rain. One of the most magical elements in my reality.

Okay, that's the end of this rambling.

be free!


Interweb Store Update

All art is original and available until purchased via Interweb Store.

Sleepwalking Moment SW1006

Sleepwalking Moment SW1008

Sleepwalking Moment SW1011

Sleepwalking Moment SW1014

Sleepwalking Moment SW1007

Sleepwalking Moment SW1009

Sleepwalking Moment SW1012

Sleepwalking Moment SW1015

Good Morning

Sitting on the streetcar on my way to work feeling grateful and blessed for the friends in my life, for Smoggie Catt, magic, for rain and clouds, to be living in the Pacific Northwest... just to name a thing or few. 


things that stuff

the rain and clouds are back in portland, oregon.

the leaves are falling fast. 

those that are left are turning the most beautiful reds and yellows. 


i've been working on combing my art with words to put together a story i call "fragmented realities". not as much as i should, but i am getting back on track. i really want to share this with all of you.


October was just as magical as I could have hoped for it to be. My birthday was on a Friday. I was with 2 of my favorite people and spent the weekend with one of my favorite people. 


I've got a place to live and working hard these days. Thus the lack of blog entries. Trying my best to be more consistent with that. There's a whole lot of art I need to add to the interweb store. There's still a lot up for purchase if anyone is interested. I'm making sales, but yet to make one via the website. 


There was a full moon last night. I was a sick, sick dog last night, but charged my magic trinkets and took in the moon's glow and feel rejuvenated today. Got up and gave my room a good cleaning this morning, washed the dishes, etc. 


That's all I have to share at the moment. Gotta get back to work to working on this book.

Be free, fellow earthlings.



3 Songs To Sing Along

I just uploaded 3 songs I've been working on. I don't know exactly what that wordage means, but I just typed it so I'm going to ramble on it.

The lyrics you will hear if you listen are lyrics I sing to myself while I'm working, while I wander, on my way to the grocery store, aloud to my friends, etc. 

They are a small part of what I want to use for  a live show. I've done some open mic events in recent months, but I'm ready for a real set.

The music part of the songs listed will vary depending on the set, but I'm happy with how well they fit with the words.

I'm losing my attention span.

I need to drink more coffee.

I hope you enjoy what you hear and find yourself singing them in your day to day routines. 


to be continued

i haven't been on typing as much lately because i've been trying to appreciate the moments as they are happening. a lot of happenings. including losing another phone. to be continued. 

cantaloupe and i don't avacado

to wander, to ponder, to wonder, and to be free. 

that's where I am this morning.

i got up and met a friend at 8 o'clock this morning. We tend to cross each other's paths about once a year. this is the second time this year. second time this week. thanks for the motivation to get out of bed before the last minute, chica. 

I'm headed to work at 11am. Making subs in Old Town, Portland, Oregon this morning. 

Then I really have to figure out all the logistics of getting an Oregon ID. The testing isn't the hard part. It's finding all the proper documentation, at the moment. 

Tonight I go see my favorite band, mewithoutyou, at Hawthorne Theatre. They are playing their first full length, beginning to end. It's called "A->B Life" which has had a great impact on my life. I mean my name is humbly inspired by that record. It's also the album that introduced me to Rumi.

"put music to our troubles and we'll dance the night away..."

"...and i'll live without you love, but good is one glove without the other?"

Alright fellow earthlings, time to focus and get my ass to work. Be free.


learning to breathe

I acquired a new phone / number today. That means this is probably the 4th number I've had this year. If you want to know the number, reach out. I only knew one number from my last few phones.

Overall it worked out. I have a better phone than I had before and a lot more data coverage for only a little more dollars a month.

I've been studying to get my Oregon driver's  license. Probably get back into that zone after this blogging. Then work on some music and then study again. Unless I momentarily get distracted by the outside. It's beautiful out right now. 

I've made 5 new arts in the last 24 hours. I've got to update the interweb store and take down the recently purchased and add more. 

i'm going to stop typing so I can focus on studying for this test and eat some food. Send me your phone numbers if you want to stay in contact via call/text.


this // that

creating new routines // remembering fundamental rituals

one good thing about losing a cell phone is taking a break from looking at them so much 

remembering how therapeutic // rewarding it feels to cook food at home

smoggie catt was sprinting through the house last night // chasing acorns of course

waiting for my friend Zak at the coffee shop // beginning to think he texted me he's not making it

I sold two pieces of art yesterday. 

I bought new supplies and a new book to display finished art

Reorganizing art is like shuffling a tarot deck to me // whatever that means

second sip of coffee // another moment closer to being focused

lovesick // thoughts full of lyrics to songs that need to be played aloud

people are skeptic // sometimes I am, too

you don't need to be in a tragic situation to find inspiration

"where are we?" I asked

"safe," she said

I remember a world before the great wars over earth's resources

breathe in // let go


I moved back into the Graham house nine days ago. 

It feels so natural to wander around these neighborhoods.

The lady beside me at the cafe is "quietly" narrating everything she is doing on her laptop. it's rather amusing. It's just her and I in the cafe anyway. 

I just posted a lot of art in my interweb store. I got behind on that for a few days. I don't currently have wifi at the new place. 

I never wrote words after Tom Petty passed. I was hung over and moving into my new spot that day. It made me more sad than I thought I'd be. 

He's one of those rockstars that everyone has a story to or about his music. I know when asked where I'm from I say "I was born in Virginia, but lived in Gainesville, Florida, home of Tom Petty, before moving out to Portland". 

"Running Down a Dream" and "Won't Back Down" are songs very dear to my heart. They inspire me to keep work towards my dreams. 

My laptop is dying so I'm going to wrap up this post and walk home and play some music. 

be free, fellow earthlings, 


June 26, 2011 // Gainesville, FL // Wayward Council 

June 26, 2011 // Gainesville, FL // Wayward Council 

New Music, Etc

I took the weekend to clean up my "new" living space and work on some new music. 

I did a lot more of the cleaning and organizing than I did the music making. 

I have some ideas for songs. All the words are written out, but I haven't been able to make the appropriate music to go with the words. I acquired a mic that plugs into the usb port of the laptop, but I just haven't got it down to what the particular songs to sound like. 

Here is a song I made. You can download it if you want. I hope to post more soon. I'll let you know when I do.
