Monday day way

It’s been a lovely rainy day in Portland, Oregon.

I took a long walk in the rain to get coffee a few hours ago with Neutral Milk Hotel, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea and Pink Floyd, Dark Side of The Moon in my ears. They fit this weather quite well.

I saw my friend Jay Ringer play musics last nite. What an incredible human being. He plays the keys and the trumpet at the same time. I couldn’t focus to film it because I was far too entranced. Keep doing what you do, Jay. It’s incredibly inspiring.

The night sky is on the horizon. I need to clean up my homebase for a little bit.

Goodbye for now internets.


last night and now

i did it. i got out of the bed. i paid my phone bill and i paid the .com too.

last night i had the opportunity to sing some songs // make some noise and art at Big Legrowlski. Thank you bensaid for the show. Thank you to everyone who came out to participate. I am very grateful and blessed, and i know it.

Chloe, Garret, Kim, Victor, Aaron, mage, Zachary, Christian to name a few. I couldn’t do without you.

After the show I hung out with Aaron and Kim and Aaron gave me a badass giant canvas that looks like a map of a foreign planet or earth’s lost sister.

And now I prepare mentally, emotionally for a show on February 28th at No Fun Bar. I have some ideas up my sleeves that I want… need… to make a reality. so no typing on that until the projects are more progressed.

I am going to stop typing for now and enjoy the last bits of this grey day before the sun goes down and i start doing the cleaning and ritualistic happenings that coincide with starting a new work week.

I’ll be at Anna Bannana’s Coffeehouse Thursday through Sunday from 6am to 1pm if you need some coffee or just wanna hang out. I am hanging lots of new art there. So come check it out. Maybe purchase one.

adios for now friends!


10:30am pst

i woke up a couple times this morning.

i made a 180 degree flop. put my head in front of the window so i could smell the cool air outside.

the next thing i knew there was a kitty on my chest telling me to get my ass up

so i did and here i am now

read through the essential news headlines

impeachment trial stuff will begin soonly

last democrat debate before the iowa caucus

there’s a volcano spewing up in the Phillipines

etc etc etc etc

in my world. i need to clean up homebase and get organized. again.

i have a stack of ongoing zzzmoments that i still don’t see as finished that need completion.

well attention span is drifting and there is a shower at the end of the sentences.

be free.


laptop moment

clean and wander

clean and wander

create and break

i started the day out wandering in search of a coffee

i listened to instinct and walked east

partially because there was an active leaf blower blowing the other direction

fortunately i because of that inclining i saw my friend Ashley Perry

I wandered into the Fresh Pot inside Powell’s for a coffee and found Volume 1 of Wytches

I found the first of that comic series in a free ben of books some moments back. Thanks Greg!

The whole of a volume one and only cost me six dollars

I wandered back in the direction of the Foggy Lantern and found a copy of my favorite book, the little prince, in a language unknown to me

i think it is German

Thanks again to another free book ben

I found another coffee at the Rocking Frog Cafe

I’ve spent the next few hours reading through said comic series thing

Now I am between drawing, and cleaning, and wandering, and cleaning!

and now. a laptop moment. a moment to type out some stuff.

tame impala’s first album playing in the background

the skies grey and misty // not a lotta sun and i’m alright with it

clean. wander. draw. drink coffee. break.

ooh i need to get Smoggie Catt breakfast, and hairspray, and toothpaste, and new headphones,

something simple to keep the head distracted yet focused

music muse

music dues

laptop break is near over. there are pictures to frame for hanging at Anna Bannana’s Coffeehouse.

List to write, symbols to draw, keep the hands moving, keep the head on a goal. any goal.

simple stuff! clean the littler box! that’s another.

sing, dance, even if it’s a little bit, it’s always worth it.


with consideration

with or without the secret worlds of yesterday will converse with the mystics of today

with or without a determined destination some will try and few will work out the wonders

one way or another whether the creeks rise or the rain falls we will find our own way

the world as we knew it is gone for now // a new channel is open and logic is not as notable as before

there is hairspray to purchase and toothpaste is also on the list of to do’s

cat food and vegetables, too

it’s lightly raining outside

Ashley and I just had lunch with Bonnie Latham at Paradox Cafe

Bonnie is a saint among muggles

I acquired new pens for drawing and writing today

There is now internet at the home place so expect more frequent rambles from this .com

less direct posts on the facebook // that site is full of wormholes i don’t dare to dabble into very long

until our next moment fellow earthlings

be free // be brave



the end of a decade

and the start of another

one full of trust and hope

a time to be stern and graceful

a time of new beginnings

and completion of ongoing projects

a time to project realities

speak truths


toss the nonsense

the day before christmas

it’s the day before christmas

i’ve been cleaning up homebase

thanks to everyone who came over Saturday // twas nice to see everyone in one place

tomorrow i’ll be making coffee for anyone who needs an early fix before opening presents

i’ll be around the coffeehouse 7 to 1pm

and then // i don’t really know, man

this is one of the oddest holidays for myself

i guess i’m still figuring that one out

it’s beautiful in the pacific northwest

the skies are grey and trees and moss greens are glowing all about

incomplete sentences compete for verbal consciousness

whatever that nonsense is about

finishing another americano then it’s back to lantern

wash some dishes

play some music

it’s the season of winter

where making music always feels better

i hope to have something to share soonly

to all a happy christmas

that’s all i know to write


Ugly Christmas Sweater // Pop Up Shop

I’ll be participating in a Pop Up Shop at Kelly’s Olympian this Saturday from 3:30-6:30pm.

After the shopping event will be live music from 6 bands. I don’t know all the bands playing but my friends in Lee and the Bees are the headliner that evening.

If you’re looking for a hand made Christmas presents come by and see me and everyone else making stuff and things! I hope to see you there.

Popup Shop

Starts at 3:30pm


Concert starts at 7:00pm

Performances from

Starship Infinity // Lee and the Bees // Minda Lacy // AC Sapphire

El Hurtado // Caleb and the Monsters

$8 Advance // $10 at the door // 21+

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the tribe

the unit that nurtures and creates oneself

the oneself a combination of trials and errors

a peace and a love

a rage and and a flame

constant babble like yesterday’s wine

there was a time when i woke and was ready to be the world’s window

and i was better focused. the tribe was small, but the tribe was just what i wanted

and then the fox.

the fox needs near no one. we need food, sleep, and wander.

and if any of this makes sense i’ll be glad i typed it out again

because it is in my ear and in my head

every damn lullaby. every time i question why.



and now

acorns on the ground

weather getting colder

it’s still very dry in these parts

i’m drinking an americano with whip cream - my favorite of treats

i got up and started cleaning myself and home place

brewed up a french press and put on some instant mashed potatoes

walked around in a couple circles listening to politics and current affairs on the youtube app

i had to get out so i walked to the nearest cafe, rocking frog

i saw Silly Sam and Ken the Coffee Man

a few others as well but those are the ones making it into my current typing

i set up my synth up last night so that it’s ready to go when i feel that urge

i want to record something but i don’t know what anymore

i long for more live shows

i’ve been increasingly stretching my mouth muscles since my tooth surgery

i was reluctant to do so for the first week or so

9 days later - not counting the week or so before that

that’s some painful nonsense

and the pain pills make me feel too numb

to life as a whole - i didn’t like it

take care of your teeth, friends


social stance


weaving new threads into old dresses

similes and overheard words

i don’t give a damn who i may make mad

this madness in my stomach is worth every interjection

caffeine makes the blood bubble

head rumble


tune in / toon out

backpage experiment.png

there are many narratives

they appear in words overheard



there is a need to wander

and a longing to sit content

a blue pill and a red

metaphor upon metaphor

resistance and escapism

uncertain what it means to be okay

okay to be insane

a madman once told me

the gods are nothing without relief

and magic is nothing without belief

i believed him and found the fifth dimension

unable to reside there and here

leads to me to frustrating situations

to see through people or to see them through

and what it means to be free

it’s a big box

a big sphere

quantum cycles

looking for the source of it all

December 2, 2019

12:00 pm

drinking a cup of espresso not made by my own hand

typing words on a laptop

making out what i will do today

last night i came home and slept from evening until 10 some number this am

too much sleep can make me weary

three days away from my coffeehouse routine

three days to make and create

there are frames that need painting

and a need to write out what’s going on in this head

first americano

I am sitting at Bare Bones Cafe.

Drinking my first americano.

Thinking thoughts.

Putting parts together.

Dissembling the nonsense.

I went back to the tooth doctor yesterday afternoon. They pulled the remaining bits of roots in there.

Holy Ouch! Thank goddess it’s out of there.

new music video


I was chased around the planet and then taken back to the dark side of the moon and played some music in Icarus Flamingo’s spaceship.

It’s an epic of a music video // mini movie. It’s a two part video.

The first part being Icarus’s tunes and the second part being a live set of my own.

Thank you for the adventure Icarus! I’m looking forward to our future adventures.

Check out Icarus’s youtube page. There are more bands to check out on his page.

Subscribe to keep up with his doings.

This thing has only just begun.

Making art with friends is what it’s all about.

I appreciate what you’re doing Icarus.

Never stop.

You can tell them you read it here first.


oh it's tuesday

the best day of the week! the day that never ends and never began!

with one weasel in the back pocket of the antelope who hopped the ocean in search of a coat

i don’t know how it got there and i don’t care to talk about your speculative woes

it’s not historic until it’s written in stone

it’s not decided until they decide to let it go

follow me to the river

you don’t have to jump in

i know i won’t

it’s not what i do

and i’m just as furious as you about this fever sweeping the banks of the Nile

well if there is one thing i am certain of

i’m certain of this little acrobat and the magician that followed them back to the lab

they think they’re clever and they think they know what is best

but i know better then them

rock n roll will save our souls

just as it did

and always has

and it will again

lifffe and stuff as of lately

I’m playing singing songs and making noise at The Nest Lounge this Wednesday night from 10 to 10:30pm. If you are in the area I’d love to see you there. Yes… you.

The last two weeks have been a constant go go with very little repose. It all started simmering down yesterday evening. Ashley and I started organizing and cleaning our homebase or as we call it, the foggy lantern.

It’s been fun making a home with Ashley Klump. There is healthy amount of movement of things and it feels a little more hohmy every little shift. I have never really felt this feel before. I guess I’ve never meant a person like Ashley Klump before eyether.

Well I intended to ramble more but I got distracted cleaning out my email of unreads. There is about 6 thousand of them which means a refresh of unsubscribing to things i thought I would read.

I’m looking for more shows to open up for people. I need to walk to the grocery store a few blocks away.

that is all for now fellow earthlings.

be free.


An ode to be alone

And talk about it

When no one is listening

And uncertainty screams

Like a witch without a spell

No reason

No logic

Come on

Tell me how it feels

To heal fast

To fear the groove

December and November

Gloria and Glory

To the nineteenth realm

Where ghosts drink water

And saints kick back their liquor

Listen to me

None of it means anything

Until we master integrity

day 3 of 333

carots and brocolli,

holy fuzza.

trying to wake up and stay awake.

do some tasks. create something great.

it’s easier to say than do. this walking \ talking thing we do.

3 years working on the same project. it’s gotta be done.