
Good Morning! Happy Monday! 

As of now, November 24th, 2014 the all new zzzwalking.com is up and running! 

What is the Sleepwalking Collective? 

I've been trying to think of how to word this clearly and properly.

I think any art or information that is shared that comes

from a pure place has the ability to literally change the world we live in.

I greatly trust the friends I've asked to take the next step of this adventure with me.

I know that they find the same escape and excitement in their mediums.

As time progresses and new members are added a community will grow.

The possibilities are endless.

It's what we make of it.

"Live. Dream. Get lost in between.". 

I believe a properly informed and inspired public will make just decisions. 

I believe in magic. 

This is a renewal to myself and friends of that objective. 

Be you. Do what you want to. Be Free! 

Shared information is power. 

I'm rambling really hard because I haven't finished this coffee yet and should probably get ready for work now.

I don't know how to explain the full depth of all my goals properly just yet. 

It'll happen.

Fuck, it already is happening.

I have dreams but ultimately I still live one moment at a time.

Sleepwalk with me as this adventure evolves. zzzwalking.com