a longing for blogging

feet up on the coffee table

rest computer on the legs

head back

breathe in // breathe out

this time not to be distracted by over thinking it

* * *

i’ve been learning from // noticing the bluejays these days

David Bowie has a lyric “just like that blue bird you know I’ll be free” on his last album

I know a lot is uncertain now for many people, families, and machines

Here is the thing I believe in my reality and I encourage you to co create accordingly

i believe for several decades we have been going and going // more and more // without totems // without a source

this paradigm shift // the apocalypse // whatever you // i // we need to call it

i can understand and feel everyone’s uncertainty for dollars

i encourage all of us to think within // remember your self

when we all start working again

it will not be the same as before // what is it your self longs to do // that enables a healthy existence

and gives back to the greater consciousness

while societies are on hold and economies are being challenged to redirect

the planet is seeing a great recess

a much needed breath

these events challenge us of organic material with stars in our eyes

if we take time to take time // we can discover new solutions with less stress for every being // in every realm