gewd day

Woke up this morning and dozed inn and out a few times. Kept going back to the same dream space.

A little difficult to explain that space now because I didn’t write anything down.

Probably best, I watched a horror/thriller series on Netflix the last few days titled “Project 81” and it was strange to say the least.

The ending less than what I was hoping for, but it still fucked with the dream sequence.

Working on some wood block arts. One of them is finished and I’ll post it soonly via Instagram and arts tab here on the .com // sold my first piece of the year to a nice fellow named Thomas that I met for the first time last week.

If I remember correctly he is from the Oregon Coast. We met at Anna Bannana’s and I showed up late and it was busy from the get go to the very end.

Working on explaining my intention/purpose/idea behind art more clearly.

I took some notes along the way. Where I put those notes is still a little mystery to me.

Just poured my second coffee of the day and plan to find all that after blogging these words.

Currently listening to “The Darling Buds” and seems to be the right kinda mellow to get to doing the things.

Second super grey and misty day in a row where I am. These days are a gentle balance in drinking coffee, but not too much.

Yesterday I definitely drank too much too soon and had a million overstimulated energies. I jumped at every little movement including my own.

Well… a song is ending and so I feel it best to move off the web for now.

Be Free!