Wonder Ballroom

yes and yes

Last week was a busy, productive week.

I sold eight sleepwalking moments. Half on my own and half via PDXChange on Mississippi Ave.

My friends Dani and Travis had a going away party Saturday night. 

Reconnected with a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. 

and more and more and more. 

There was a full moon last night. 

I saw a really wild car accident happen right in front of me. Fortunately I was far enough away it didn't involve me. 

I was offered another part time job, too. only 2 days a week, but it would put a few more hundred in my possession a week and that could go a long way these days. 

I just finished eating a quesadilla with carnitas. very yummy and about to pack up the laptop and go make my house and room clean. First of 3 days off from my day job.

So get home base settled today and then tomorrow and can follow through with emailing all the people I need to about other potential art happenings, update .com, etc. 

Oh  yes! I forgot. I named and framed a couple of my Sleepwalking Moments. It's not until they get a frame that I name them something other than "Sleepwalking Moments SW____".

Named and Framed two and they are now in the dressing rooms at Wonder Ballroom

Alright my attention span is drifting. I need to go for a wander then clean my house up. 

Be free fellow earthlings.