blue jays

friendly smiles. narrow lanes.

blue jays.. snarky, loud, and confident.

i’ve been noticing how blue jays will fly to a bottom branch of a tree and hop up branch to branch until they reach the top.

i saw a hummingbird just now taking out the trash. heard em before i saw him. took a moment to look up and find my breath and then poof they this is, sitting in the top of the tree singing.

if you can’t fix it, listen to jimi hendrix.

listening to 1983 by Jimi Hendrix right now. Well the entire third and final album of his. that’s the current track playing, thanks for the suggestion Aaron.

well the sun is bright today. the air is cool. and i’m beginning to understand this term spring cleaning. the sun shines in for the first time in months and all those dusty corners become oh so apparent. so i’m going to clean a bit so i can art and create after.

Ashley Klump gets home today, also!

So until the next moment, fellow earthlings. be free.