
Going Places. Seeing Faces.

My life happenings as of late have been very fascinating to my brain box. Today especially has been surreally soothing.

Been spending some good times with good folks and I see no end in sight. Unfortunately I'm feeling way to mellow to try and type it out right now. Sometimes feelings just have to simmer and come out in a creative form later. It's been that kind of feels lately.

Also listening to a lot of Deerhunter today; his Microcastle album specifically.

The rain this morning was absolutely mesmerizing.

I know I say it a lot but I'm very thankful for Smoggie Catt. She makes me so happy and is full of so much personality. There's a connection there that only the stars can bring. 

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Stuff and Things


Woke up and went to the coast to find my wallet. Over a month later still exactly where I stupidly through it; ID, $20, and all the essentials still safely enclosed. Had a few drinks with friends I don't hang out without very often so that was awesome.



Signed up to volunteer at Music Fest Northwest. Volunteer for one show and get free access to all the others. You can't beat that. A lot of good bands playing: Deerhunter, The Head and The Heart, Animal Collective, Washed Out, Horse Feathers, Surfer Blood, and a lot of other bands I've HEARD OF but haven't actually HEARD. What better way to hear them though, eh? 

Then I walked around the Alberta Street Fair. There was a ton of awesome art. There was more art at in one place that I wanted than I have seen in one place in a long time. 

Even did some more hiking around Forest Park with Tim and Michelle.  


I made the coffee for America and have been resting every since. With the exception of washing a few dishes and cooking dinner I haven't left the comfort of my bed. That will continue throughout the night. 

I've begun watching the "Through The Wormhole" series. There's a lot of knowledge in those. Sometimes my head just blanks on what all these scientists are telling me but it's a really well informed, awesome series thus far. I'm only on episode two of season 1; there are 4 seasons. 

Now more of nothingness and watching the moving pictures.