thomas jefferson


my friend, Cass, was part of a Bernie Sanders themed art show last night.

Below art pics of the prints, contact her on Instagram if you're interested in one. 

i contributed some word for the second print. it felt good to write out my feels about the current politics so thoroughly. 

I encourage you to read it, if you wonder why I support Bernie Sanders more than any other candidate. 


Oregon and Kentucky primaries are tomorrow.  

Keep your hopes up, friends.

Bernie Sanders in no way can solve all our crazy problems on his own, but he has the servitude to start trying. 

Combine that with people rallying together and we can do whatever we want. 


"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."  

-Thomas Jefferson

be free fellow earthlings.  



Today (Well... Yesterday's) Adventurings

  1. Bought groceries. Way overdue. 
  2. Bought sheets for my bed finally. They are purple. I like purple. 
  3. Successfully got the interwebs turned on at my new apartment.  
  4. Read more on Thomas Jefferson. Damn he is awesome. 
  5. Received my new debit card in the mail! Now to acquire a new ID. 

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY WENT TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE WITH JACKIE AND CAMERON!!!! We went up to Vista House. The view from up there was spectacular. Just amazing!

Then we continued driving the Columbia River Highway and ran into Latourell Falls. We frolicked around in the waters of this mighty giant for a while.

I love Oregon so much. Nothing compares to tracking through mud and rocks to stand/sit in the presence of something so majestic.

Nature is so amazing. And powerful, too. I really wanted to get closer to it but the wind and mist kept pushing me back. It feels so good to feel so small sometimes. I bet it was amazing to come across these places before concrete paved the way. 

After a few minor stops along the way we made our way to The Bridge Of The Gods that crosses over into Washington. I've wanted to cross that bridge since I started researching Oregon a few years ago.

After that we sat on the riverbank and had sandwiches and BERRIES I picked. It was a quick but very magical trip indeed. But alas the day has been long and tomorrow starts in about 4 hours so I must zone out to some Radiohead now. 


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Thomas Jefferson

Digging really deep into this Thomas Jefferson biography as of late.

 The man is a brilliant mind who's principles (amongst the other founding fathers) has been totally manipulated in recent decades.   

Expect a blog post full of Jefferson quotes really soon. The man is fucking brilliant. 

Do yourself a favor and read up on this philosopher and politician.