
Some Stuff and Things


I was rehired to Starbucks on Tuesday.

This store is just a cafe without a drive thru which is nice, but I'm still looking to work for a local shop of some sort.

I'm not a fan of working for Starbucks but the I do like my current coworkers and the work is easy. Thank you Tracy.

Also I've been working on and off the last few months at going through old notebooks and gathering stuff to compile a new book and/or books.

Not sure what angle I'm going for just yet, but it's all simmering in the brain box over and over and over again.

I saw the most fiery flower yesterday.

This last weekend I started cleaning up my backyard which is like a time capsule of weeds and stuff of my landlords that has just been left to the elements. It's a new adventure every time I go exploring.

I found a bunch of square tiles I've been painting. I think once I get a healthy stash of them I'll sell them for $20 each. In the mean time I'm just going to keep gifting them to people because that's just as fun. 

So yeah life is alright. I'm making money ever so slowly again. Things are going to be fine. Money is just another exchange of energy. She should not be feared. 

Until another time.

Be Free Fellow Earthlings. Be Free! 

Photo Jun 04, 1 18 00 PM.jpg


Finally filed my taxes and can pay off this credit cards. Not that they are too out of hand but it'll feel nice to get that debt off my chest.

Otherly: Who is this Federal Reserve that isn't run by the government but loans the government money and we just trust to make such important decisions? 

I know it's not fun to think about but it keeps my head wandering and pandering.

I mean isn't that what our taxes do? I don't want to slave my life away for some invisible ghost do you?

I know it's bigger than me. It's bigger than you.

Money is kind of stupid but it's how we do all we do until we come up with a greater way.

I'm just saying we should be more concerned or in tune with what's happening. Well I think so, but I don't know where to even begin that battle. 

I wonder what the world will be like in 5 or maybe 10 years.

I don't think it can keep using money that has no value. It's all mental. Who knows? Maybe it can.

I think it's time for a new way of thinking. I think people in some pockets of the globe are already thinking like this. I just want to be a part of a greater goodness. Enough rambling on such arbitrary things for now.

The End.

To Those Who Said It Can't Be Done

To those who said it can't be done; hold your tongue.  I'm a little crazy, but I ain't dumb. 

You underestimate the magic of instinct and a fox's power of scent.  

And I got the Zipcar back just in time and with one minute to spare and parallel parked flawlessly.   

Cascadia you are beautiful! I need to travel more of this vicious coast. So rugged and so powerful. I saw so many sites that due to my limited time with Zipcar I couldn't photograph them properly. This adventure was for the primal memory box.  

Wowzers it was beautiful. Grey clouds reaching down to touch the tops of giant trees on the rolling mountainsides tumbling towards the ocean. Aaaah! 

And the wallet still had ID and $20. Guess who's going to get a drink.

Goodnight Interwebs.

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Photo Aug 09, 4 02 45 PM.jpg


3 more days of work before I leave to meet Adam in Texas. ​

Then I get 8 days off of work.

Hopefully I hear back from the guy about potential apartment guy before I leave for Texas. At which time we will owe 400, 900, or 1800 for apartment a deposit. ​

Hopefully only 400 because I had $300 in my account on Friday, but now I'm a lot closer to $200.​

I get paid on Friday, April 26th, but I'll be out of town by that time. ​

My paycheck should be at least $500.​

I saw 11 people under 1 portion of 1 bridge on my way into work this morning. 

Cody says I can take my hair product in my carry on bag if it's under 4 ounces.

I thought it was 3 ounces, but he's probably right because he retains information better than myself. 

My americano had 3 shots of espresso. ​

I need to do 2 loads of laundry. ​

I still need to shower and wash my hair before my trip, but I don't remember when I showered last. At least 7 days now, right? I really don't know. Oh well.​

Whilst writing these words I listened to David Bowie sing "Five Years". ​

The End.​