silver river bridge

It's about that time..

The inevitable ​feeling feeling of vacation coming to an end and having to go back to work. It's not that I hate my job. I work with some of the most amazing people I've ever met. I sincerely mean that. They all have amazing personality and still know how to work together for a greater purpose to get their shit done.

​I just want to get to the point where I can read, write, and explore on a constant basis. I want to not have to get up and go to work. I want my work to be learning. I'm not talking about college. College leaves me with debt. I don't want debt. I want knowledge.

​But on a brighter note. It's very mellowing to listen to loud music on the big open road. To wander the great deserts of Nevada. To climb giant rock structures. About to go see a beautiful waterfall. The winds here in Idaho are currently gusting 27-37mph. Slightly ridiculous, but mostly just awesome. 

​I'm very anxious to see the reaction to A.B. TV. It's really just another way for me to learn from people. Okay enough rambling. There's responsibilities and adventures to be had. 

Arrived in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Climbed many awesome rock/boulder things along the way. ​

Unfortunately my pictures I feel don't do it justice, but I climbed halfway up this rock thing. Also a big sandy rock mountain in Nevada but I don't have pictures of that one. 

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I only got halfway up this, but there is something amazing about climbing giants ​in just the clothes on your back. 

​We stopped by the Silver River Canyon to take a few pictures and saw the Silver River Bridge. Which might I add is fucking huuuuuuuggggee!!! Damn! 

Tomorrow we find Shoshone Falls! ​

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