Thinking Thoughts

i got up and washed some dishes and started 2 loads of laundry. All before a morning coffee mind you. 

I got some coffee. I've since began working on my zzzwalking post for the day and rearranged the living room. 

I need to go get those clothes out of the dryer actually but in my frenzy of art, cleaning, and reading I started thinking thoughts.

so for sake of rambling...

there is no good and evil only cause and effect in constant rotation.

reality is a relative.

consciousness is a choice.

i'm not sure on all the interworkings of those last 2 sentences, but I don't feel like redacting anything at the moment. Like I said "thinking thoughts". 

It's nice to have time to think. That's one reason I wander and draw so much. It gets you out of your head. 

In a society like ours where people are constantly on the go we must remember there are bits of "momentary bliss" all around us. We just have to be conscious enough to notice them. 

Anyway, those clothes need taken out of the dryer so I'm going to stop typing for now.

Also there was a really good rain yesterday evening/night. thank you magic.

be free fellow earthlings,