Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Thing

As a wanderer I find it difficult to sit still. Do a chore. Make some noise. Wander more. Dishes and coffee. Wander more. 

The heat in Portland, Oregon right now is absurd, and I find it rather fascinating to experience. 

With a steady breath. 

The sun was HOT today. 

I mostly stuck to shade. 

My first wander I took the sun full on. 1pm ish. 

This night hot though. It feels oddly better outdoors than indoors. 

The breeze has become subtle. 

Earlier much more fluid. 

It feels sometimes the more I remember to breathe and think clearly it feels cooler.  

The temperature around the crown of my head drops and it feels like it all syncs up. 

Finding cure for the pain in the pain and feeling okay with being okay. 

The planet is sick. It all became apparent in what seems like an instant.  

Hindsight is 2020 and how we react next must be diligent, focused, and urgent. 

There is no go back to before. 

We must think globally and react regionally. 

In my opinion… 

that’s as simple/complex

as it gets.