
October and Her Colors

Oh it’s my birthday month, turning 35 tomorrow. There’s a full moon tomorrow night, too. The colors around town have not disappointed this year. Always remembering that wandering is therapy, too. It’s good to find relief in the textures and colors in this realm.

I hear and/or see a hummingbird almost daily and that keeps me in a state of gratitude and mystery. They’re like guardian angels who appear to remind there is still magic even when it feels the world is completely crazy.


Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Thing

As a wanderer I find it difficult to sit still. Do a chore. Make some noise. Wander more. Dishes and coffee. Wander more. 

The heat in Portland, Oregon right now is absurd, and I find it rather fascinating to experience. 

With a steady breath. 

The sun was HOT today. 

I mostly stuck to shade. 

My first wander I took the sun full on. 1pm ish. 

This night hot though. It feels oddly better outdoors than indoors. 

The breeze has become subtle. 

Earlier much more fluid. 

It feels sometimes the more I remember to breathe and think clearly it feels cooler.  

The temperature around the crown of my head drops and it feels like it all syncs up. 

Finding cure for the pain in the pain and feeling okay with being okay. 

The planet is sick. It all became apparent in what seems like an instant.  

Hindsight is 2020 and how we react next must be diligent, focused, and urgent. 

There is no go back to before. 

We must think globally and react regionally. 

In my opinion… 

that’s as simple/complex

as it gets.



wandering lots. looking for a new job. ​i've applied to some rad places the past couple days. 

​sold 5 pieces of art a couple nights ago. thanks Jen. 


the leaves are almost all on the ground. those still on the trees are quite photogenic.(show offs)

also i posted some old designs of mine on a site that lets you print shirts, coffee cups, hoodies.. all kinds of stuff. 

check that out here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/abcorduroy

4 days until election day. i need to feel out that ballot.  

long live liberty.  

be free fellow earthlings.  



i went wandering a moment or so ago. it's what i do when i need to get out of my head. 

thank you Kimmy for the cherries and thank you Colin for the dirty jokes that i won't repeat here.

the scents of post rain and warm, cozy, fire filled the air.

also the jasmine is in full bloom. 

nothing like that smell punching your nose when you walk around the corner.

i've been working on a "magic box" made from scraps of an "alice in wonderland" book i found the other day.

all of my palo santo is about burned up. i need to acquire more soon. 

but now i must wander away from the laptop to make some rice.

be free fellow earthlings.



hearts on a cross hatch

each one a little more derange than before

i talked with a shadow about the light

she told me i ought to wander a while longer

and so on

so it goes

over and over and over 


Adventuring At Mt Tabor


Today I went wandering around one of my favorite places in Portland: Mt Tabor.

Incase you didn't Mt Tabor is an extinct volcano! Just whoa! 

I walked where once upon a time there there was probably nothing more than lava.

Now there are trees so tall you can't help but think you've walked into a cathedral. 

It's days like this made me lust for the Pacific Northwest.

This is Cascadia. 

The misty rain against my face. 

The smell of the Great Sequoia trees blowing through the air.

The sound of mud being stomped below.

Baby mushrooms covering the forest floor.

The purple and gold leaves of dying plants look like something straight from Alice's wonderland. 

The tree limbs look like fingers of skeletons. 

The skies were grey but full of light. The clouds moved quickly.

Never once did I feel soaked. 

Today was a great adventure.

Thank you Mt Tabor for making me feel at home.



Going for a walk can soothe frustration and spark imagination. 

Try it. Walk a minimum of 10 blocks.

Don't look at your phone at all. Maybe try leaving the phone at home.

Keep your eyes open for animals and/or other people walking your way, random pieces of stuff cluttering the sidewalks, and listen to all that's happening around you.

There's some interesting stuff out there.

Goodbye for now interwebs; I'm going for a walk.

