leave it and run

I saw people running

“leave it!” they yelled to their companion with a tail.

sitting stil and sharing what eye see is difficult.

it wasn’t before.

a lot is an answer.

vague and honest.

rambling is an excercise.

it needs to be done routinely to make it work.

it is entertainment to me. so i endeavor once again to share my experiences on this .com .

what you see is what you get

I have been listening to the album “Mimicking Birds” a lot lately.

There are some absolutely powerful lyrics layered in it.

A.B. Corduroy endorsed.

Ashley Klump and I acquired some animal skeletons yesterday. I’ll post more pictures of those at a later time. I am still learning some of their origins, names, mythologies. Animals tell us lots of secrets if we are willing to listen.

I talk to the crows a lot. Those grumpy ole fucks see a lot. Don’t piss them off. Get to know them. Move along.

I am grateful for where I am in my life. I am grateful for my friend group, my home, my lover, my cat companions, I am grateful for you, whoever you are reading these words.

The more we get together // The happier we will be

Words have a lot of power and decisions hold power.

Give gratitude aloud often. Shift the narrative.

We are people // We are not data

we are not an algorithm

Until the next moment.

Live. Dream. Wander in Between.

Sleepwalk with me.

Look for the symbols. Listen to language. And don’t forget about body language. It is most important.