Tuesday 05122020

It can be very difficult for myself to focus long enough to type what’s going through my head to post a simple blog .com update day to day or even a couple times a day.

The truth being I have never had so many thoughts going through my head as I have until the last couple months of existence.

I sit and listen to full conversations and sometimes even talk out full dialoges but so rarely does it make it into a typed bog. I use instagram videos to ramble and I stil carry a notebook/journal to leave my bones.

I still have a full time job making coffee for people. I am still writing. I have sold 28 of the 33 copies of my book “Fragmented Realities (Rambles of a Madman)” and I am very grateful to everyone who has been apart of that process.

I still draw in symbols/zzzwalking a little bit all the time and post those to the instagram almost daily.

My overall goal is stil to focus on my music. There’s a sway to say and a sway to stay things only music can say properly.