Christmas tree

Happy Foxmas

Sooo... Sabrina and I did Christmas (or should I say Foxmas) today because she will be out of town with her family on Christmas proper.

It was my favorite holiday weather: cool, foggy, and rainy. 

Also I wanted to show off our tree and the awesome presents my Foxette got for me!

Also not pictured is an awesome new rain coat and some palo santo.

I gots a lot of words scrambling in my head, but unsure how to properly type it all out. 

Happy Foxmas Babay Girl! Thanks for making me feel real good like.


Christmas Tree


So It's a beautiful, drizzly grey day in Portland, Oregon...


So me and The Pretty went out to Sauvie Island to cut down a Christmas tree today.

I've never cut down my own tree before. Holy Zeus It smells so good! 

The whole experience makes me feel pretty fuzzy inside. 

Especially seeing Sabrina all smiley. That girl is some kind of magic man.

Anyway... I'll post more pictures once it's all decorated and stuff!
