
Head Thoughts

It's kind of like a puppet show but more frustrating. 

Maybe it's over fabricated in my head.

But we tried to attack Syria sometime back.

Don't ask me when I don't do so good with keeping up with time and politics.

I follow the basics. I follow intuition.

I take care of me and my own.

Less is more.

Anywho people kind of got worried. Drone talk was a pretty new scare I believe.

But now their is a big bad wolf in Syria and Iraq again.

Also at some point this 10 years I've been hearing about how the fucking troops are coming home.

That's a decade of my life man.

Enough time for us to live in fear and get lost in a whole new world of... stuff.

It all started with the War in Afghanistan.

Makes sense. Attacked by terrorist, that's hypothetically where the big bad wolf is.

A couple years later we get magic phones and social media

Every year there's a shinier and shinier toy and a quicker and quicker way to the interwebs

I'm not saying all these toys are bad. I think they're the best weapon we have.

Going back to now:

10 years later

New iphone 6 and now a some magical, future watch, gadget... thing.

Now Obama has stated he has the power to do what he needs in Iraq and Syria without Congress.

His speech is at 9pm tomorrow.

This is just moments before the 9/11 moment.

I'm not asking you to live in fear.

I'm just asking you to tune in and listen.

I'm going to listen, but it don't feel right in my stomach man.

I'm shocked I've been able to hold focus to still be typing words.

Also a news clip I watched with the Prime Minister dude in the UK said the war over there would take a long time. He spoke in decades I don't remember whether plural or just one.

But I've already seen a decade of this repetitiousness.

Change is happening. 

Even if it's another 10 years of fear and high tech gear.

It'll be more intense. The interweb is still very new to us.

Maybe I just have to much hope in man.

Take time to look up at the stars.

If you read this far, we're gonna be alright. 

Be Free!

< 3 -ABC


Remember a year or so a go. Maybe it was less. Maybe it was more. I'm not so good with time you guys...

But do you remember when Obama let congress decide whether we attack Syria or not because we started a little rumble but somehow we still weezeled our way in there.  

It don't feel right guys. It don't feel right at all. I think the time to get rowdy is becoming more and more unavoidable. 

I gotta go make some more coffee. Just think about it for me. Be free!