
A.B. TV-Episode 1

This is the first of a video blog series I have been planning for months with my friend Cody. The topics and adventures will vary week to week.

In short I want a way to share my mind with people and learn more about the world and maybe I'll say something that will spark a thought in someone else's brain. 

The idea is to not only be thought provoking and share my head thoughts but to also be visual stimulating because I know my attention span is terrible so I don't think it's fair to expect to have to just sit and watch me talk.

Therefore we wanted to make something that was almost like watching a documentary or a movie. So with the help of Cody Pulliam we came up with what I think is a very entertaining way of representing what is me and also entertaining to you as a viewer.

I hope you like what you watch. If so please subscribe to the channel, share it with a friend, and watch it again. 

-A.B. Corduroy