Where are we now
Momentary rain
Waiting for forest fires
Waiting to float down rivers
sleep by camp fires
Insecurity and Uncertainty are eternal beings of feelings waiting to be outgrown
There's a lot of magic in this world
Yet this world is but a one coordinate in an infinite, unfathomable unfolding
There's true humility in the nothingness we are
Together we are stronger
Together our energies unite
Waiting for forest fires, still making time to enjoy campfires
Campfires and marijuana
Smores and guitar moans
Keeping my house clean... ish
Improving where I can
Drawing stuff
Not writing quite enough
Thinking a lot
Still looking for a job
Where are we now?
Right where we began, my friends
Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot.
It don't matter much, but it matters enough.