
Where Are We Now?


Where are we now

Momentary rain

Waiting for forest fires

Waiting to float down rivers

sleep by camp fires

Insecurity and Uncertainty are eternal beings of feelings waiting to be outgrown

There's a lot of magic in this world

Yet this world is but a one coordinate in an infinite, unfathomable unfolding

There's true humility in the nothingness we are

Together we are stronger

Together our energies unite

                             Waiting for forest fires, still making time to enjoy campfires                                    

Campfires and marijuana 

Smores and guitar moans

Keeping my house clean... ish

Improving where I can


Drawing stuff

Not writing quite enough

Thinking a lot

Still looking for a job

Where are we now?

Right where we began, my friends

Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot.

It don't matter much, but it matters enough. 

Head Thoughts, Stuff, and Things

  1. I had another interview for a local coffee shop. This one is on the Southwest side of town, right on the waterfront. There's even a clear view of Mt Hood from the shop! 
  2. Raphael is my favorite ninja turtle.
  3. I didn't learn to appreciate red pepper flakes on pizza until the age of 27. 

All Sleepwalking Collective merchandise can now be found via the webstore.

I'm going to shut down the official website and keep all the social media sites open.

I'm already selling my book through my personal store so why not sell all my goodies in one interweb spot. What I'm trying to do is convince you to buy stuff and things. 

I have lots of ideas for Sleepwalking and I'm making things happen just in my own funky sense of timing. I need to sell through current inventory to make money to print new things.

I'm going to print on black next go round. I can play the dark and mysterious game and it sells a lot better.

Everything in the shop is very limited. If you want to be a part of something from humble beginnings get to it! This is it! 

Thank you everyone for your support. We're all in this together. Be Free Earthlings!  


I beg of anyone who reads this blog to take the time to watch this video. The truth of the matter is you'll probably spend 20 minutes or more on Facebook in a sitting; so why not take the time to watch this video? 

There's some really good thoughts to think about in this video and the lady presents it very light heartedly.

We need to start taking care of our planet. The selfishness and ignorance of the human specie is reaching ridiculous levels.

Enough of my ranting for the moment. Watch the nice lady talk.

Stuff and Things

The last few days of weather have been wonderful. Barely reaching the 70's, pleasant breeze, and sunny. Perfect mid day napping weather I must say.  

What's happening these days? I cleaned my house.. mostly. That's a good thing.  

I've been feeling feels that words are falling short of describing. I'm going to start compiling work for a second book in the next few weeks. Mostly I want to get the first one printed before I start sorting through notebooks of old writings again. 

I got new headphones from my aunt and uncle. They are really nice. Really clean and pure sound.  

Also I'm working on getting this clothing line launched. I will have a promo video to explain that process in a little over a week. 

I think I'm finally getting back into my routine since being back from Virginia. It's been a lot of figuring out of things.  

Also I have a couch now. Making my living room a lot more interesting place.

Listening to a lot of Deerhunter and Alt-J lately. 

The leaves in Portland are absolutely amazing. I have opted out of not taking photos a lot of the time and just enjoying their presence.  

Hmmm... I think that is all for now. Enjoy Fall!  

East Coast / West Coast Folks

I've got so many feelings and not enough words. I've sat here for damn near 20 minutes trying to write an all encompassing words for everyone to understand.

  • I've never felt so at home. I've never felt so blessed. I'm very thankful for what I have back East, but there's some special kind of magic in the Pacific Northwest.

  • There's really some good hearted folks out there. Take time and listen.
  • There's all kinds of interesting creatures and things to be learn.
  • I've slept all day and still feel exhausted.
  • My body wants to stay awake.
  • This night calls for Lonesome's Pizza and Ninja Turtles movies.

Thank you everyone for making this little fox's life great.

LIfe don't always make a lot of sense, and what's the fun if it does? Just get lost in it.

Sometimes you swim. Sometimes you get wet.

While I wait for pizza i will listen to Chopin.



Today I bought stuff! I do like stuff! 

  • Incense 
  • candle
  • rugs
  • towels
  • sketch pad
  • book about the red fox

Today was a success. There were even a burrito, chips, and guacamole somewhere in the process. And a really yummy americano from Barista.

Oooh and lunch from my neighborhood New Seasons. A really yummy quinoa salad and juicy peach for dessert.

I didn't even drink coffee until 2:30pm. Talk about being in a fuzzy state of mind half the day. But I didn't actually wake up until 12pm. That definitely felt weird.

I don't like sleeping that late. Guess the body decided that's what it needed. Smoggie came in are moist from the rain and jumped on the bed. It was very cute.

What else? I found the book "Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales" in a free book exchange thing on the walk to get coffee. Which in itself is an awesome find, but even cooler because I was just talking about it with a friend a few days earlier. 

Today was very good indeed. Now it's time to burn a little incense, candle, eat some leftover chips, and maybe do a little reading and writing!  

Stuff and Things

I had a lot I wanted to type out but my head is thinking too much to type it all out. Just going to zone out let it all simmer. Think I'm going to just camp out on my living room floor and finally give Animal Collective a listen. 

Kart, I'm finally doing it. All you other Portlandians who have been telling me about them lately it's going to happen. Just time to see them at Music Fest Northwest. 

Humanity needs to learn to trust the stars more and observe and respect the other animals we share this planet with. We can learn a lot from each other if we would just try.

Anyway I need to quit typing now. That's sums up my head thoughts. 

Only two songs into Animal Collective and already regretting not listening to them 5 years ago. Oh well. Goodnight Interwebs.



Today I made my living room my bedroom and my bedroom my living room.

I still need a couch and coffee table and furniture of substance so basically my "living room" is just the room without little to no furniture. 

Also today I found a cool little night stand thing.  

Also I listened to Destroyer's album Kaputt 3 times, Arcade Fire's Suburbs twice and now I'm listening to the Drive Soundtrack.

I also wrote some words and did some drawing. 



Cleaned up my house. Mostly my closet.

It was becoming a big pile of "stuff to take care of tomorrow..." that actually kept growing for almost 2 weeks.

Had a few drinks with Jackie and Jordyn. Ate bar food aka lots of fried food. It was good but I forgot how much mass amounts of fried stuff fills you up; I'm still full. 

And now I will spend the rest of the night watching SciFi movies; because that's the perfect way to finish this simple and mellow day.  
