catching up but not quite caught up.​

working hard. learning new stuff.​

​i've been working at a food cart for over a month. 

we make all our own nut butters, fruit spreads, cut and deep fry chicken...

I haven't had to multitask this hard since my early Starbucks moments.​

I've been reading about bacteria in the waters around Florida. This is the second spot this week I've seen.​ hope all my friends are doing alright.


i also read the other day the north and south jet streams crossed. ​

i don't know a lot about science but I have noticed seasons as we know them are not as consistent as they once were. do your own research.

​I worry about drought, wars over territory, and more intensified weather patterns. not always but often enough. 

i want to get out of town and go camping. I'd like to get back to Indian Henry and explore more southern Oregon this summer.​ 

I haven't been to crater lake since I visited Oregon in 2010.​

drawing lots and sorting through words to put together a NEW poetry book of sorts.​

my brain hurts a lot, but I know there are many who hurt worse. ​

I'm relearning to prioritize and thankful for the friends I've got.​ 

i need to write new songs. I know intuitively that's what I need for ultimate sanity. it'll happen soon but it hardly feels soon enough. i had to step away for a moment to get some perspective. 

my train stop is coming up. I'm going to quit rambling for the moment. ​

be free fellow earthlings. ​
