
ta ramblè

feeling the freedom in the free fall

and the acceptance I found in madness

is to realize the actual and see the adjectives

all together

all as one

eyes before nose

breath by breath

and so on

this is it

and now

and now

a machine is growing bigger and people are getting littler

it’s easy being secondary

it ain’t easy being right in a world of so many “what’s left?”

it ain’t easy being left behind and worrying about “who’s right?”

all together

here we are



love is a verb. it’s what we do. gratitude is the adjective that got us here. my mind is a whirlwind of things and stuff. sometimes focused. sometimes not. the day is warm, but not too hot. my body says create. my ears say wait. listen to the music in the background and keep on typing until you cain’t any longer. so i am. so it goes. the sentence became from the words. the language, whichever one we’re using in the moment, a vehicle for the peculiar to explain the unexplainable.

Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Thing

As a wanderer I find it difficult to sit still. Do a chore. Make some noise. Wander more. Dishes and coffee. Wander more. 

The heat in Portland, Oregon right now is absurd, and I find it rather fascinating to experience. 

With a steady breath. 

The sun was HOT today. 

I mostly stuck to shade. 

My first wander I took the sun full on. 1pm ish. 

This night hot though. It feels oddly better outdoors than indoors. 

The breeze has become subtle. 

Earlier much more fluid. 

It feels sometimes the more I remember to breathe and think clearly it feels cooler.  

The temperature around the crown of my head drops and it feels like it all syncs up. 

Finding cure for the pain in the pain and feeling okay with being okay. 

The planet is sick. It all became apparent in what seems like an instant.  

Hindsight is 2020 and how we react next must be diligent, focused, and urgent. 

There is no go back to before. 

We must think globally and react regionally. 

In my opinion… 

that’s as simple/complex

as it gets.



living in truth and demanding justice

forgiveness begins with ourselves. forgiveness is how we heal

lay your words of wisdom softly on the river’s shoulders

speak articulately and listen with curiousity

walk in the rain and believe in okay

drink your coffee, but don’t over do it



cinnamon roll

May 03, 2021

Smoggie Catt is the best kind of Magic!

Smoggie Catt is the best kind of Magic!

It’s full on Spring in Portland, Oregon.

There are layers on layers of green. the flowers are blooming. Pinks and whites, blues, and purples, yellows!

life is a strange thing. it keeps moving on and on. we do our best to pay our rent. we do our jobs, we have fun, we run, we laugh, we fall, and we rise. again and again.

the beauty of it is being concious of the movements. the way a newly worn shoe rubs against an ankle. The way the misty rain sounds on newly blossmed tree leaves. the way the stomach moves in and out as we breathe each breath.

the sky is blank today and that’s okay. the misty rain is nice.

Say hello to someone you don’t know. It’s going to be alright.

this brain:

when in doubt i listen to Brian Eno.

musically feeling stagnent as a flie in a spider trap.

i have so much to share and all i can muster is cursive ramblings these days.

the truth is hard to tell and feel okay with it.

the consumer has become more important than the citizen.

compassion has been packaged to make us all stand still.

some are dying to live and others likelly to die.

what else would lure a fox from the forest except song and dance?

i don’t like the distance. i don’t like the lack of facial expressions.

leave it and run

I saw people running

“leave it!” they yelled to their companion with a tail.

sitting stil and sharing what eye see is difficult.

it wasn’t before.

a lot is an answer.

vague and honest.

rambling is an excercise.

it needs to be done routinely to make it work.

it is entertainment to me. so i endeavor once again to share my experiences on this .com .

what you see is what you get

I have been listening to the album “Mimicking Birds” a lot lately.

There are some absolutely powerful lyrics layered in it.

A.B. Corduroy endorsed.

Ashley Klump and I acquired some animal skeletons yesterday. I’ll post more pictures of those at a later time. I am still learning some of their origins, names, mythologies. Animals tell us lots of secrets if we are willing to listen.

I talk to the crows a lot. Those grumpy ole fucks see a lot. Don’t piss them off. Get to know them. Move along.

I am grateful for where I am in my life. I am grateful for my friend group, my home, my lover, my cat companions, I am grateful for you, whoever you are reading these words.

The more we get together // The happier we will be

Words have a lot of power and decisions hold power.

Give gratitude aloud often. Shift the narrative.

We are people // We are not data

we are not an algorithm

Until the next moment.

Live. Dream. Wander in Between.

Sleepwalk with me.

Look for the symbols. Listen to language. And don’t forget about body language. It is most important.


Happy October

This is my favorite month of the year. I'm just realizing it's here.

it's a rainy, crispy grey outside
with hints of blue peaking through as I type

My friend Jackie Jones is in town for a few moments today.

I'm attempting to finish this cup of coffee and pay homage to my favorite month.


I like October because the air is more crisp. The rains come back and make your hair look a lovely mess. The leaves turn yellow and red! Sometimes very quick. So keep your head up. Inhale the cool, autumn wind. Oh and layers! and warm coffee is even more yummy. And did I mention the smells? and pumpkins! and halloween! and candy corn! and acorns galore! 

Okay.. update outside. there is a definite steady pouring of rain in the happening. 

I love the rain. I wait so long for the rain. I don't have my raincoat presently on myself. But it comes in patches and has already slowed to drizzle again.

my coffee cup is almost empty. and I need to wander to see Jackie before she leaves. 

Happy October // Be free


Sleepwalking Moment SW973

Sleepwalking Moment SW973


will you let it carry weight?

will you drown in the lake

by the barn

in some northeastern state?

probably not

what's illogical to some

makes sense to the rest

someone said "it'll be better..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence

I was too stoned to focus

what's the difference in hope and ignorance?

i'm not sure yet

maybe the fear of losing __________.

[song for the heavy hearted]

i've been experimenting with musics a lot lately

it's all a weird magic of improv

this song feels like the soundtrack to walking around town the last few days

it's a bit noisy, but i hope you'll give it a listen

it's crazy what you can do with a keyboard, a pedal, and an imagination

it's turning grey again

there are still some colored leaves around, but the trees are mostly bare

which makes it easier to see the sky

and feel the rain on your head

keep your heads up, friends

let the rain drip down your face


handful of fools

i walked down towards the Pearl last night. for those not living in Portland, that is a really nice and well moneyed neighborhood in the NW quadrant of town. 

Last night was night 3 of protests against Donald Trump. A handful of people decided it was a good idea to take baseball bats to businesses and spray paint on others. 

Donald Trump is our president elect. Unless we seriously find a way to not make that be, that is our reality. Busting up buildings is not a way to solve such things.

To the handful of fools, mark my words, if you are not careful, these outbreaks justify martial law. The feds have a lot of power right now. It's a time to be patient and observant, not foolish. 

In other news it's really creepy how Donald Trump has head next to no press near him at the moment. Keep your eyes and hearts open, friends. 

be free fellow earthlings


catching up but not quite caught up.​

working hard. learning new stuff.​

​i've been working at a food cart for over a month. 

we make all our own nut butters, fruit spreads, cut and deep fry chicken...

I haven't had to multitask this hard since my early Starbucks moments.​

I've been reading about bacteria in the waters around Florida. This is the second spot this week I've seen.​ hope all my friends are doing alright.


i also read the other day the north and south jet streams crossed. ​

i don't know a lot about science but I have noticed seasons as we know them are not as consistent as they once were. do your own research.

​I worry about drought, wars over territory, and more intensified weather patterns. not always but often enough. 

i want to get out of town and go camping. I'd like to get back to Indian Henry and explore more southern Oregon this summer.​ 

I haven't been to crater lake since I visited Oregon in 2010.​

drawing lots and sorting through words to put together a NEW poetry book of sorts.​

my brain hurts a lot, but I know there are many who hurt worse. ​

I'm relearning to prioritize and thankful for the friends I've got.​ 

i need to write new songs. I know intuitively that's what I need for ultimate sanity. it'll happen soon but it hardly feels soon enough. i had to step away for a moment to get some perspective. 

my train stop is coming up. I'm going to quit rambling for the moment. ​

be free fellow earthlings. ​


hearts on a cross hatch

each one a little more derange than before

i talked with a shadow about the light

she told me i ought to wander a while longer

and so on

so it goes

over and over and over 


yesterday i walked through a thunderstorm up Mississippi Avenue. 

complete with hail!

i heard more thunder yesterday than i have heard in the entirety of my almost 4 years in Portland.


also i celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite peoples, Alan Page.


i'm getting a new phone in a few days or so.

i'm finally going to get a 503 number.

feels a little weird, i've had the good ole 352 number my entire adult life.



life has been interesting lately.

  • i notice a lot more than ever before. 
  • i just made some delicious fried rice. 
  • remembering the crazy that makes me who i am.
  • starting a new job soonly.
  • i had a really tasty quesidilla recently.
  • it even had chicken and it didn't freak me out. yay! thanks nikki.
  • oh and my friend Bruce gave me a sweet pair of chucks!

life is alright sometimes. 

i'm very thankful for my smoggie catt friend.

she's my constant. 


the last of the primaries for the democratic party are coming up. 

i'm curious to know how all that works out. 

and what other absurdness donald trump will come up with. no bueno.

also what happens to the rest of our republicans friends.

has anyone else noticed the weather people have no idea what is happening.

i mean even the really smart ones (noaa for example. i find them interesting.) know a lot. 

but they are giving 75% chances at things happening.


get involved. pay attention. localize and harvest.

i'm going to quit rambling and go sit outside and draw.

it rained a lot these past few days. all the trees and flowers smell delicious. 

be free fellow earthlings.



Last night I met a guy named Tony Rose. Actually I met him one time before. At the same bar, Nobby's. The time before I acquired a free slider from said fellow.

Tony Rose is from New Orleans... San Fransisco? Let's keep it vague. He had a similar look and persona to Father John Misty. Loud personality and great clothing style on both occasions. He played some sick saxy. 

I also met a guy named Reese. He was in his 40's. We talked about cigarette smoking, music, insanity, and life... to name a few things. 

Tony Rose showed me an awesome song by Louis Armstrong called Black and Blue. 

I'll leave you guys with that. 

Year: 1965

"I'm hurt inside, but that don't help my case
Cause I can't hide what is on my face
How will it end? Ain't got a friend
My only sin is in my skin
What did I do to be so black and blue?"
