climate change

catching up but not quite caught up.​

working hard. learning new stuff.​

​i've been working at a food cart for over a month. 

we make all our own nut butters, fruit spreads, cut and deep fry chicken...

I haven't had to multitask this hard since my early Starbucks moments.​

I've been reading about bacteria in the waters around Florida. This is the second spot this week I've seen.​ hope all my friends are doing alright.


i also read the other day the north and south jet streams crossed. ​

i don't know a lot about science but I have noticed seasons as we know them are not as consistent as they once were. do your own research.

​I worry about drought, wars over territory, and more intensified weather patterns. not always but often enough. 

i want to get out of town and go camping. I'd like to get back to Indian Henry and explore more southern Oregon this summer.​ 

I haven't been to crater lake since I visited Oregon in 2010.​

drawing lots and sorting through words to put together a NEW poetry book of sorts.​

my brain hurts a lot, but I know there are many who hurt worse. ​

I'm relearning to prioritize and thankful for the friends I've got.​ 

i need to write new songs. I know intuitively that's what I need for ultimate sanity. it'll happen soon but it hardly feels soon enough. i had to step away for a moment to get some perspective. 

my train stop is coming up. I'm going to quit rambling for the moment. ​

be free fellow earthlings. ​


Donald Trump is not Racist

hello fellow earthlings. 

my name is a.b. corduroy.

​I want to talk to you not as a american, but as an earthling. 

it is election year in the "united states of america". 

 the american empire is crumbling

what happens next is up to us


i urge you to not live in fear.

I do not believe Trump or his supporters... (as a whole) are racist. 

Individually you can make your cases. 

As a whole Trump and his supporters are nationalist. 

I'm not saying that makes them right. 

Nationality has become the racism of the 21st Century. There is a clear distinction in the two. 

While I believe the passion felt by some of the Trump folks is genuine, These folks believe there are rules to follow that make America what it should be. They care about their country and their families and they have been severely distracted.  

While you may have been told for years immigration/illegals are causing you problems it is not.

Land is not owned by man.

Nor is water.

we may harvest it in bits, Mother Nature is greater than any cloth flag or paper document.

If Uncle Sam wanted to clean up the land, he very easily could have.  

You don't think they do all that spying and don't know how to root out illegals, do you? do you?

It's a distraction for whatever other agenda the Republican establishment has had. 

Tax breaks for the richest of rich, war, etc..

I very much appreciate my geographic location on earth but realize empires rise and fall.

There are thousands upon thousands of people without homes because the US and others have destroyed Syria and neighboring lands. 

even in the United States millions living poorer than I can ever fathom and I'm not well off. I struggle to pay my responsibles frequently.  

On top of that climate change is and will continue to send people migrating to new lands as their former homes are destroyed or left without resources.

I have drove many many miles across the United States. There is land to spare. 

if we don't share and care for what we have, be that the United States, Europe, Antarctica, wherever they will crumble just as the American empire, British Empire, the Roman Empire, etc.

To my fellow earthlings who believe Trump will get us back on track, I urge you to think bigger. 

i know you work hard and you are frustrated but we can do it without fear. 

United we stand, divided we fall.

i'm loosing my attention span.  

be free fellow earthlings, 


And So On

What's been going on lately? 

in my life, not a whole lot. 

i Have an excess of drawings at the moment so I've focused the most of my energies on breaking this almost 2 year writer's block. 

when the skies dried up I started drawing. Now I'm forcing myself to write.

It's a lot of fragmented nonsense, but a good bit makes some sense. 

they say rain is headed our way this weekend. I hope it is true. 70 something degrees outside too.

Fall is coming fast. I can smell her in the wind.

I hope she sticks around a while. I need my grey daze.

i saw Portugal. the Man on Monday. Only $5 at white owl. Always grateful to see those dudes jam out.

There is a full moon / super moon this Saturday. Embrace the magic and hopefully you'll catch a glimpse. As for me I hope it just rains and rains and rains. 

there's too many fires in the Pacific Northwest. It hurts my soul and fucks with my conscious. 

Donald Trump is a fool and if you listen to the stats of these polls, so are you. 

Big media is getting stronger.

The earth is growing warmer.

It's time to come together.

Put away our black mirrors, if only for a moment. 



Rambles / Cimate Change

No one wants to talk about it and those who do often get ridiculed.

I'm no scientist but I am an earthling. 

Winter was a 3 week fling in my part of the world. Summer came in full force. She was quick and  hot.

Summer is still here, but I smell Fall. The acorns are falling. The leaves are yellowing. 

August is coming. Autumn is coming in August.

What's that mean for October?

That's my favorite month.

There are no longer 4 seasons per year. There are 6 at least. 

They say Winter will be crazy for the Pacific Northwest this year.

She thinks it's spring.

Take what you can get, yes. 

I'm just noting the climates have already shifted.

It's time to start as a society/planet acknowledging it on a massive scale or we can wait for a great "natural disaster" to wake us up. Either way...

Mother earth will be fine, but we have to start living accordingly. Soon. 

It's a head full to think about, but it needs to be talked about. 

Anyway.. I'm rambling and barely finished my morning coffee. 

Enjoy some pretty pictures.

It rained yesterday. It was good rain. Sometimes you just need the water to wash away the gunk. 




where do we begin? 

my computer is going entirely too slow but i'm going to keep typing. 

it catches up eventually; it gives me time to breathe. 

the climates have changed. we all know it. i'm just saying it for the sake of narrating. 

what's next? 

in short or long?

my computer stalled again

i'm going to ramble on

i write a lot in notebooks but it's another thing to ramble to a computer screen

it's an open ended script and hopefully it makes some kind of sense

it's hard to talk in sentences when there are so many parantheses in my neck 

living in northwest portland is intense

i appreciate this moment

some words just need to be typed for documentation


that's my favorite word

i moved 2900 miles away to find home

climate change

i moved here for rain

it's changed

so what are we going to do?

we got to come together

hyper localize

it doesn't have to be hard but you should get to know your neighbor

we don't need all the distractions

we set a lot of expectation on appointments and forget about the moments that happen every couple seconds

look up dreamers

the world is still turning

we must make time for learning

read a book. go for walks. say hello to one another.

i don't know where this is going.

these words that is.

we got to connect folks. 

we have to slow down. 

take time to think. take time to wander. 

if we don't take time to think we'll drive ourselves further towards insanity

the heats going to make them crazy.

drink water. lots of water.

california is drying up. so is mexico. so is palestine. and so on.

localize. make no room for the big guys.

it's not easy. nah. 

i don't even know what else to type. 

basically.. make time to think. make time to be. 

the world is changing fast. 

learn to observe. observe to learn.

i need to exit the internets and read some words. 

be free fellow earthlings!