Beacon Rock
so many little yellows
mas mas moss rocks
Columbia River Gorge
looking across the Columbia River Gorge from the Washington side.
Beacon Rock
so many little yellows
mas mas moss rocks
Saturday evening I had the pleasure of going to hang out at my friends Kristen and Andy's house. This is the view from their front patio. Look at those colors. Fall is coming!
I only wish I could have been able to capture the stars that lit up the sky that night. Enough to make you feel really tiny, really quick like. Magical stuff.
Thank you Kristen and Andy for sharing your castle with Sabrina and I for a few moments!
So my friends and I went in search of Aurora Borealis in the Columbia River Gorge last night to no avail.
But nothing compares to drinking beers and wandering around Multnomah Falls after dark whilst in the company of some of my bestest friends.
Just another life moment I won't be soon forgeting. The earth is our playground.Be free fellow earthlings.
<3 ABC
Yesterday I went to the Columbia River Gorge with two of my favorite people in the entire world.
This is the magic that had happened as told through digital photography.
>> Yesterday I went out to Triple Falls in the Columbia River Gorge with my friend Jackie Jones.
<< I've been really in my head lately. Unable to speak, not sure how to convey all I've felt. A silent darkness caught in my throat.
>> The hike was a lot more intense than I had expected. Lots of steep uphill action. The kind that makes you focus on breathing. The good stuff.
<< There is so much magic right outside our doorway, Portland.
>> I like this town a lot, but when you don't have a car it's easy to forget how close to wild you can be.
<< You can get keep as close as you want or you can disappear for weeks.
>> Yesterday I went out to Triple Falls with my friend Jackie Jones.
<< I could sit here and type out all my fears or I can tell you there is magic in those hills.
>> I choose the latter and they really ain't that far away.
<< Take time to breathe, wander mountains, run down hills, splash in the water, smell the fresh air, breathe deep, breathe again and get lost in every happening.
>> There's a magic in the forest that can't be forgotten. There's a reminder of a simpler time. Before the fox became man...
Today I went out to the Columbia River Gorge with my friend Jackie Jones.
We took the old highway and rode under the big trees and admired the falling leaves.
It felt good to just wander around the greater nature for a little while.