
Mt Hood National Forest

I went to Mt Hood National Forest last weekend for my friends' Jackie and Eric's birthday.

I have wanted to dive into that region of Oregon as far back as 3 years before moving to Oregon.

The forest is absolutely divine. 

It's really easy to forget who you are, even more so where you are. 

Also it was only just over an hour drive from Portland. That's so close! 

It feels so healthy and alive out there.

The air is crisp.

The plants are 50 shades of green.

There are great fallen trees who give to baby ferns and moss a solid back to grow on.

I have never truly felt more at home until that moment. 

It was a magic I've only seen in my head that feels so wonderfully familiar again. 

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Photo Jun 14, 10 25 23 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 10 40 18 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 11 23 33 AM.jpg

Today (Well... Yesterday's) Adventurings

  1. Bought groceries. Way overdue. 
  2. Bought sheets for my bed finally. They are purple. I like purple. 
  3. Successfully got the interwebs turned on at my new apartment.  
  4. Read more on Thomas Jefferson. Damn he is awesome. 
  5. Received my new debit card in the mail! Now to acquire a new ID. 

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY WENT TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE WITH JACKIE AND CAMERON!!!! We went up to Vista House. The view from up there was spectacular. Just amazing!

Then we continued driving the Columbia River Highway and ran into Latourell Falls. We frolicked around in the waters of this mighty giant for a while.

I love Oregon so much. Nothing compares to tracking through mud and rocks to stand/sit in the presence of something so majestic.

Nature is so amazing. And powerful, too. I really wanted to get closer to it but the wind and mist kept pushing me back. It feels so good to feel so small sometimes. I bet it was amazing to come across these places before concrete paved the way. 

After a few minor stops along the way we made our way to The Bridge Of The Gods that crosses over into Washington. I've wanted to cross that bridge since I started researching Oregon a few years ago.

After that we sat on the riverbank and had sandwiches and BERRIES I picked. It was a quick but very magical trip indeed. But alas the day has been long and tomorrow starts in about 4 hours so I must zone out to some Radiohead now. 


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