
Interweb Store

I just wanted to say I've made more sales via my Interweb Store in the last week than I have made since it's opening in December. That means a lot. Thanks for the support. It's very satisfying to make money from my arts. Thank you friends.

Also some of you have been asking for some screenshots of my book so here you go.

Thanks again for the support everyone. I've been working working on some new Alfreds for my custom coloring pencil drawings. All drawings will be on card stock not my typical sketchbook paper. I'll post pictures of those soon. 

Be free fellow Earthlings! Be Free!

Shirts, Foxes, And Stuff

You may or may not have seen that my friend Josh and I have begun the endeavor of starting a clothing line.

We have begun preorders on said items as of about 5 minutes ago.

The shirts will be $25 each and that includes the shipping and all that fun stuff.  

Rather than me explain all of this just watch this video of me rambling and it'll all make sense. 

I really like these designs. I mean I did draw up the most of them myself.

I hope you like them and want to buy them, too.


Today Stuff


  1. Saw an art I'd like on my wall.
  2. Bought new jeans. Including a blue pair. First blues in at least 8 years. I felt a little more American just trying them on. 
  3. Martha and I filmed a new episode of A.B. TV.
  4. Took time to admire the beautiful Portland skyline.
  5. Also I got a new hat
  6. And gave that cute girl a lucky penny,