Monomania: exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
Monomania: exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
I had no idea it was Thursday already...
Hi Friends!
Finishing up some coloring pencil, pen drawings to go with recent Sleepwalking orders!
Shipping orders out in the next couple days.
Thanks for the support.
How was your weekend?!
What's the haps?
More coloring pencil art; I let the pen make the worlds then color it in.
I've been working on my coloring pencil drawings to accompany all new purchases from my Interweb Store. :]
I just wanted to say I've made more sales via my Interweb Store in the last week than I have made since it's opening in December. That means a lot. Thanks for the support. It's very satisfying to make money from my arts. Thank you friends.
Also some of you have been asking for some screenshots of my book so here you go.
Thanks again for the support everyone. I've been working working on some new Alfreds for my custom coloring pencil drawings. All drawings will be on card stock not my typical sketchbook paper. I'll post pictures of those soon.
Be free fellow Earthlings! Be Free!
Good Day Fellow Sleepwalkers! I started playing with coloring pencils again.
I haven't been blogging as much as of late. I've been trying to figure my head out.
Well that takes a lifetime and I've felt as though I've lived five in only a few months time. So basically I stepped away from the internet enough to keep moving my head forward.
I've got a lot of ambition. I've got a lot of dreams. You can't expect it all to happen overnight. I know this. You just got to let magic be.
I can't wait to have this book of mine in a printed format so that anyone interested can read it.
I've been watching a lot of "Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman". It's fascinating. Scientific questioning provokes my artistic soul even more.
Aside from all that I'm trying to establish this clothing line... A collective if you will. That's a thing that will be more successfully completed in 2014 and it's quite the undertaking. It's exciting though.
I've been drawing a lot and scribbling out little fragments for what the next book will be on. I am fairly set on finding a new job. I still want to make coffee, but locally not for the machine.
The machine pays me well, but I think that moment is over. I need to connect with people on a more intimate level and do my part to ensure I am protecting Mother Earth to appease my conscience. That's a heavy burden to carry.
Well that's all I know to say now. I need to drink more coffee, read some books, do some wandering, and such.
I also need to find this bike seat that I misplaced somewhere in my house so I can get around town quicker. I had it. Where would I have sat it down? I do this way too often.
Well.. bye interwebs. Happy Adventuring!
I'm drinking my coffee and listening to Augustana. It's been a while. At one point this was my "one cool Florida morning of the year, day off, fantasize about living in Portland, Oregon" music.
Well that time has come and gone. I've found my wonderland, my forest, and things are happening just like I always knew they would. Yes I knew it all along. Every last bit of it.
Hey I have a book being published in the matter of weeks! That's fucking awesome! Excuse my language! I swear it's the only word with the grit of my excitement. I wish "marshmallow" or "bubbles" had the same impact but they do not.
Last night I met up with all the people from the Starbucks I've worked at since February. I love(d) them all. That's some scary stuff. To love someone is to guarantee their departure.
Nothing is forever.
That's what they say.
Who is they?
All of you.
That's okay.
I've been casting magic long before I understood my own voodoo.
Well I get it now.
I do.
I really do.
Also this clothing line thing of mine is going well. Getting lots of positive feedback. I would just like to nail down a few more preorders before December 1st so get those orders in people!
Now that this first book is almost officially done...
I've seen physical proofs. I know the edits are minor. I expect to have a release day really soon. I hope you purchase a copy and attempt to understand my fragmented mind a little better.
But what I was saying.. now that it's almost done... I've really begun digging into the plot of the next book. I've shared the ideas for the story with a lot of you but I can't wait to convey it properly.
I'm running out of attention span and should try and organize my house. There are clutter stacks everywhere. I've decided I need shelves to hang to my wall.
I love my forest very much. Thank you all of you for your support in my endeavors.
Stay magical and never quit dreaming. Never.