
Wedding Weekend

It’s going to take me a moment to fully transcribe all the love and gratitude I have for this weekend.

Firstly, to Ashley Klump, for loving this crazy fox enough to give me a shot at the ultimate commitment.

Secondly, to all the friends and family, that came from near and far and helped put all the little pieces together to make this a celebration a reality! I’m going to miss a lot of names so give me time to take notes and better explain each in depth.

Off the top of my head, Chelsey, Alex Edmands, Clyshaw, Burt, Elaine, Aunt Mag, Craig and Kristie Klump, Bonnie Latham.. Damn I know I am forgetting so many! Hank! Flying Caravan! Ian Rowan! All the volunteers at TCWL!

Holy wow ya’ll! Seeing our families commingle, seeing what our little nieces found magical in nature! All the little art pieces!

The giant canvases everyone collaborated to create, the little everyone painted, we’ve yet to fully absorb, the gifts and cards from everyone, (Josh and Hank) for the handmade art gifts, all the beautiful toasts… Matt! Nate! for becoming closer and better friends! Nicole for the sound advice of staying hydrated and helping Ashley and my self in so many ways it’ll days to explain!

I am beyond words and there are many more moments to share!

It felt necessary to try and write a little while I’m still buzzing!

Atomic for the flowers!

Bethany and Brian for photos and video, we cannot wait to see!

Thank you everybody! I am so grateful and love you ALL SO FREAKIN MUCH!

Kellen and Brit for helping get the food! AAaaaah!!! I know there are so many more to thank! and I will! Either digitally or most likely in a hand written note. You made this fox and swan’s dream a reality and it wouldn’t have been the same without every freakin one of you! thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!

Happy Foxmas

Sooo... Sabrina and I did Christmas (or should I say Foxmas) today because she will be out of town with her family on Christmas proper.

It was my favorite holiday weather: cool, foggy, and rainy. 

Also I wanted to show off our tree and the awesome presents my Foxette got for me!

Also not pictured is an awesome new rain coat and some palo santo.

I gots a lot of words scrambling in my head, but unsure how to properly type it all out. 

Happy Foxmas Babay Girl! Thanks for making me feel real good like.


My Book! It's Published!

Aaaaah!!! Remember that book I’ve been talking about writing? It’s published!

So yeah! It’s a thing! Aaaah!!

There are many places you can buy it!

  • On my publisher’s website
  • On Amazon! (Where you can/should leave reviews!) 

On my site!

Yeah from the blog you’re reading right now!

I get more money that way.

Of course that’s the only reason I’m doing this is to be rich like R.L. Stine. Duh!

Or you can go into any bookstore and ask them to order it! That is also an option!

It should be noted I won’t have my own physical copies on my person to mail/hand out until next week sometime.

You can still place an order on here if you’d like at any time.  

Follow all that? I think my brain did.

Thank you to everyone: Paige, Cody, Lia who made this possible.

That really means a lot to me. The End.

Thinking Thoughts

I haven't been blogging as much as of late. I've been trying to figure my head out. 

Well that takes a lifetime and I've felt as though I've lived five in only a few months time.  So basically I stepped away from the internet enough to keep moving my  head forward.

I've got a lot of ambition. I've got a lot of dreams. You can't expect it all to happen overnight. I know this. You just got to let magic be.

I can't wait to have this book of mine in a printed format so that anyone interested can read it. 

I've been watching a lot of "Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman". It's fascinating. Scientific questioning provokes my artistic soul even more.

Aside from all that I'm trying to establish this clothing line... A collective if you will. That's a thing that will be more successfully completed in 2014 and it's quite the undertaking. It's exciting though.

I've been drawing a lot and scribbling out little fragments for what the next book will be on. I am fairly set on finding a new job. I still want to make coffee, but locally not for the machine. 

The machine pays me well, but I think that moment is over. I need to connect with people on a more intimate level and do my part to ensure I am protecting Mother Earth to appease my conscience. That's a heavy burden to carry.

Well that's all I know to say now. I need to drink more coffee, read some books, do some wandering, and such.

I also need to find this bike seat that I misplaced somewhere in my house so I can get around town quicker. I had it. Where would I have sat it down? I do this way  too often.

Well.. bye interwebs. Happy Adventuring! 


Shirts, Foxes, And Stuff

You may or may not have seen that my friend Josh and I have begun the endeavor of starting a clothing line.

We have begun preorders on said items as of about 5 minutes ago.

The shirts will be $25 each and that includes the shipping and all that fun stuff.  

Rather than me explain all of this just watch this video of me rambling and it'll all make sense. 

I really like these designs. I mean I did draw up the most of them myself.

I hope you like them and want to buy them, too.