hello. welcome to the rock n' roll show.

hello. i just wrote a long, rambling blog post and it didn't save. 

i'm going to do it again. probably a lot less wordy.

take 2: 

hello. my friends and i are playing a rock n roll show in 4 days.

my friend, Tim Craft and I started a band called: acorn season.

i first conceptualized this band name in 2010. 

that's not important in this moment.

i am very grateful for the magical energies that have been happening and mas grateful for friends with the talents to create tunes for me to sing to.

what started as a song and a half wrote by tim craft and i, from August 23rd to Halloweenish has evolved to a full band and 4ish songs that we will be performing at The Know, Monday, February, 1st, at 8:30pm.

if you live in Portland that is on NE Alberta and 20iissshhh. 

the one building near salt n straw and little big burger that doesn't look like the two previous stated establishments. 

unfortunately i hear it is to become something of those said establishments in the future.

anyway for now it is a venue and an opportunity to play a rock n roll show. 

come hang out, maybe dance with us a moment or so. 

acorn season  line up:

tim craft: guitar

cass swan: keys

joel moyer: beats

leona ? : bass 

martha: distracticon, etc

me: singing and acting a fool

wtf is a caucus?

this is the first time i've seen "caucusing" explained.

check it out.

i don't care who you're voting for. it's about knowing how the system works.

if you're already decided to not vote. i urge you to reconsider.

if you feel the "system" is hopeless. i feel ya.

i feel this is an opportunity to "play by the rules" and see if it really makes a difference. we can do it civilly. attempt to at least. 

the video is a little hokey, but hey it's politics. go with it.

time to take a nap. then clean up my house. 

be fee


david bowie, acorn season, the interwebs (and other words)

hello fellow earthlings.

about 2 weeks ago i made a post on my intention to post more words on this blog and that "2016 is going to be an interesting year, i can feel it."

never in my mind did i think that David Bowie would choose that moment to go home amongst the stars where he came from. 

i have not had a working cell phone for just about 2 weeks now.

the truth is i don't know exactly when my phone quit working.

it's been less than 2 weeks because my last post on here on the 6th i had a phone.

well i still have a phone. it just won't hold a charge. a very first world dilemma. 

that being said.

there was a small window when my laptop was no longer held a charge either. 

in that moment of time.

i was singing "rock n roll suicide" with my friend/flatmate/bandmate, Tim… Tim Craft.

it was his 33rd Birthday. A "merlin birthday" someone pointed out.

i don't know exactly what that means. it seemed more intriguing than the guys who said it was Tim's "jesus year". what does that mean? he's doomed to die? that ain't cool. words words words.

we were singing Bowie as we have been for a moment. we have a show in two weeks. (more on that sonly). it was a song i mentioned possibly covering a while ago. I found out the next morning Bowie passed via word of mouth by Tim.

I didn't have interwebs to reach out. I don't have a phone to reach out to those who were just as upset as me. I spent that afternoon watching his last videos and listening to Blackstar via youtube on AppleTV. 

It's a beautiful, dark masterpiece.

here's to hoping to inherit some of the magic stardust left behind by one of the greatest entertainers, in my opinion. if you haven't listened to the last album. i highly recommend it.


you can stream the whole album here:

as i mentioned before i haven't had a phone. it's been nice to recalibrate. 

i do miss the ritual of posting my sleepwalking moments. i'll pick that up soonly. 

i've drawn a lot. given a lot away, too.

there's a lot more in those drawings than this blog can say at the moment. 

hope to get a new phone soon.

this blog is getting really lengthy, really fast. stay with me. 

acorn season! 

i play my first public rock n roll show since moving out West on February 1st.

That is 2 weeks from yesterday. I first learned of this opportunity about 2 weeks ago.

My friend Tim Craft and I wrote a couple songs which i will post below.

We'll be playing those songs and a few more along with our friend Joel who will be keeping beats.

I hope you can join us. 

If not give the songs a listen, please.

I've been wanting to sing and dance to some songs for a while now.

The first song, "bucket" was written of August 23rd that was the first day of the fall. 

it's a bit different than any music of done prior and excited to see what happens with this journey. 

i gotta quit rambling for now.

be free.



tick tock

the snow has mostly melted away. there are still slippery patches out there.

i went and saw my friends, Austin and Greg play at the Waypost on N Williams.

i haven't been in that bar in a moment. and the amount of construction in the northeast is brain melting.

either way… cool to be in NE Portland. I need to wander over there more often. [note to self]

I've been reading "The Phantom Tollbooth". my friend, Cody gave me it as a christmas gift. 

another friend of mine… Andrea suggested i read it a bit back as well.

it's witty and easy to read… alice in wonderland ish.. 

my favorite quote thus far: 

"i never knew words could so confusing" Milo said.

"only when you use a lot to say a little," answered Tock.

be free fellow earthlings. 


New Years, Etc

Trying to journal more via my blog.

2016 is going to be a damn interesting year; I can feel it.

New Years Eve I spent with a handful of my favoritist people.

we sang, we danced, we drank. 

Liz and I carved a pumpkin.  

Bettet later than never, eh? 

what else? 

Yesterday it snowed in Portland.

Today it's all iced over. 

I'm very grateful my place of working is only a block away from mi casa.

i saw my friends lee and Alicia play a show at Alberta Street Pub. The night before the snow happened.

my friend Paige was in town from Seattle. They're one of my favorite peoples. 

more words later. I need to drink more coffee.

be free fellow earthlings.  


smoogie Is a champ.

smoogie Is a champ.

Portland, Oregon: Rose City

Portland, Oregon: Rose City

oh oh oh

oh oh oh



lee all-star

lee all-star

almost 2016

extra! extra! read all about it. 

drink up in october, like it's the "4th of July".

hi friends.

it's almost the year of 2016. 

i haven't made proper usage of this blog in a moment.

that's okay though.

i've also been posting drawings less. 

i think i'll be posting my sleepwalking comics on Tues, Thurs, Saturday.

instead of the previous routine of M-F.


the meditation/routine of drawing has brought me much clarity.

drawing came out of writer's block.

i'm trying to refocus said energies into other disciplines.

Ex: read a book, write some words, maybe write some songs.

speaking of songs, i've been writing some words and melodies to a few tracks with my friend and roommate, Tim Craft.

when the timing is right i will share them. 

regardless… it's been fun to write some songs again.

i read a lot of news.

probably at par with how often the most of you refresh Facebook feed or your snapchats.

there's a lot happening out there dudes.

there's also a lot of bullshit distractions.

know the difference.

i also hope to point more of that out this upcoming year.

it's got to be creative though. 

aggressive, passionate, and creative. 

is it possible?

i guess i'll find out.

i don't know what else to say at the moment.

the more we get together the happier we'll be. 

be free, fellow earthlings.





i was hanging out with my friend Zak Austin the other day.

He has a cool synth and some editing programs that i myself do not have nor do i have the discipline to master said programs.

the plan was to jam and see what happens, but there is plenty of gear to record if we play something the sound of something we hear.

i made a drony synth line or two. 

i listened to the said riff. wrote down some rambles. wandered in and out of the house.

it's hard to sit still.

recorded a few scratch tracks of this and that.

all the cold rain outside prompted me to write down,

"i'm dreaming of a white christmas"

the rest fell together quite effortlessly.

i've wanted to make my own version of "white christmas" for a long time.

tis the season. happy christmas fellow earthlings.



Thank You

Before I get distracted many a more times as I tend to do.

Thank you to everyone who came by our art show on Halloween.

I met a lot of cool people. I wish I had met more of you but my attention span... Well it's short.

also lots of great tunes and cool costumes.  

anyway.. Thank you to everyone who made my Halloween awesome. 
