
typing words out.

speaking words aloud.

acting out of neccesity.

home chores and more art.

wander and music more.

simple and sincere.

complex and heart felt.

Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Thing

As a wanderer I find it difficult to sit still. Do a chore. Make some noise. Wander more. Dishes and coffee. Wander more. 

The heat in Portland, Oregon right now is absurd, and I find it rather fascinating to experience. 

With a steady breath. 

The sun was HOT today. 

I mostly stuck to shade. 

My first wander I took the sun full on. 1pm ish. 

This night hot though. It feels oddly better outdoors than indoors. 

The breeze has become subtle. 

Earlier much more fluid. 

It feels sometimes the more I remember to breathe and think clearly it feels cooler.  

The temperature around the crown of my head drops and it feels like it all syncs up. 

Finding cure for the pain in the pain and feeling okay with being okay. 

The planet is sick. It all became apparent in what seems like an instant.  

Hindsight is 2020 and how we react next must be diligent, focused, and urgent. 

There is no go back to before. 

We must think globally and react regionally. 

In my opinion… 

that’s as simple/complex

as it gets.


reign rain reign

I am grateful to hear, smell, feel the rain falling down in Portland, Oregon today. It’s the first day of the week without coffeehouse responsibilities for me so I’m taking my time and getting into a groove.

Walked around the block in the rain for my first coffee of the morning. There is a giant tree a block from where we live. The only dry spot is under this enormous tree. I saw the owner of the property where the tree grows and she said they have a photo of the tree when the house was first built in 1906 and the tree was only about 5 foot at that time. I’ll have to photograph the tree sometime for the perspective to make sense.

I have a stack of books i’ve been working at getting through so here’s to the next three days of constant rain.

Ashley and I finished this new series on Netflix called “Sweet Tooth” and it was absolutely lovely and I highly recommend it to everyone.

That’s all the words I have at the moment. Until this coffee gets into the bloodstream.

Be free! -ABC

The Day A Hummingbird Came Into Our Home

Ashley and my self were doing home chores today when a hummingbird flew into our home.

I have been following hummingbird’s magic for a few years now.

There use to be a hummingbird that came to the powerline in front of the place i lived before and sit there and sing every morning when I sat on the porch for my morning coffee.

I have learned their songs and see them sitting in trees or sitting on powerlines almost daily.

Flying into our home though. That’s something else. Wow!

It gets better!

After carrying the hummingbird to the courtyard… It’s challenging to describe the feels of holding such a magical, fragile creature… well hummy flew on and Ashley and I are full adreneline and look up and see a rainbow over our home.


It gets better!

In the midst of absorbing all the magic of those two moments, we look up the humminmgbird in the spirit animal / totem animal book and the following words stood out.


That’s a whole lot of symbolism. Pray for rain everyone. We need it out west.

That’s it! // Until the next moment!


it's only a dream until it's reality

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living in truth and demanding justice

forgiveness begins with ourselves. forgiveness is how we heal

lay your words of wisdom softly on the river’s shoulders

speak articulately and listen with curiousity

walk in the rain and believe in okay

drink your coffee, but don’t over do it



cinnamon roll

new afternoon tunes

I’ve been practicing using the Garageband App on my phone to create some musics. Getting into the flow. Using my voice and learning to layer stuff in accordingly. I hope you enjoy them.

May 03, 2021

Smoggie Catt is the best kind of Magic!

Smoggie Catt is the best kind of Magic!

It’s full on Spring in Portland, Oregon.

There are layers on layers of green. the flowers are blooming. Pinks and whites, blues, and purples, yellows!

life is a strange thing. it keeps moving on and on. we do our best to pay our rent. we do our jobs, we have fun, we run, we laugh, we fall, and we rise. again and again.

the beauty of it is being concious of the movements. the way a newly worn shoe rubs against an ankle. The way the misty rain sounds on newly blossmed tree leaves. the way the stomach moves in and out as we breathe each breath.

the sky is blank today and that’s okay. the misty rain is nice.

Say hello to someone you don’t know. It’s going to be alright.

friendly smiles. narrow lanes.

blue jays.. snarky, loud, and confident.

i’ve been noticing how blue jays will fly to a bottom branch of a tree and hop up branch to branch until they reach the top.

i saw a hummingbird just now taking out the trash. heard em before i saw him. took a moment to look up and find my breath and then poof they this is, sitting in the top of the tree singing.

if you can’t fix it, listen to jimi hendrix.

listening to 1983 by Jimi Hendrix right now. Well the entire third and final album of his. that’s the current track playing, thanks for the suggestion Aaron.

well the sun is bright today. the air is cool. and i’m beginning to understand this term spring cleaning. the sun shines in for the first time in months and all those dusty corners become oh so apparent. so i’m going to clean a bit so i can art and create after.

Ashley Klump gets home today, also!

So until the next moment, fellow earthlings. be free.


is snap

spittin whatever is needed to be listened to

it’s a new week. a new monday. the day before my favorite day. tuesday.

sometimes we can do much and sometimes we do little.

dreams at night have been very vivid. i don’t remember after i get up and start moving about.

smoggie catt has been really good about waking me up for the last couple days. she’s a sweetie. i love her.

Ashley and I are going to Sou’Wester this coming weekend. It’ll be a first for me and March 27th marks 2 years since the two of us started dancing together.

I have infinite gratitude and love for Ashley Klump.

well i’m only half a cup of cofffee into this day and got some home chores to do and potatoes to cook.

type more soonly.