
Give peace a piece of self and share the rest of the wealth with sincerity, wisdom, and prudence.

It know it doesn’t always pay off immediately and, honestly, sometimes it can feel needy.. but I believe in the end we’ll be keeping to our treaty.


prioritize priorities.

prioritize time and energies.

that’s been my focus as of lately.

I meet a lot of folk and folk around a whole lot, too.

sometimes it’s for the good and sometimes it’s plain it getting distracted.

to make my dream(s) become reality takes focus, discernment, and integrity.

if I am constantly folking around then there is less time to spend with the ones i care the most about.

less time to focus on music and art projects that fulfill and enrich my self.

prioritize priorities to have more fun and be more free.

Spending more time with the ones I love sometimes means less interactions in other realms.

to focus on my self enough to be my best self.

prioritize priorities.

well, that’s the end of this rambling. thank you to everyone who sticks around and reads these ramblings.


Smit and Smack

What’s in a sentence? What’s in a sentence? What’s in a sentence?

How did Howard not know what was to become of Uncle Bill?

Man cannot live off grease and carbs alone! No!

Hold up! I should explain to ya (the reader) a couple things at least.

First, April Allergies in Portland, Oregon - like clockwork, always show up again and make me fight for breath.

Secondly, the end of imagination will be the end of civilization.


AM Thoughts

Hanging out beside Smoggie Catt on the couch and drinking my first cup of coffee of the day. Went for a walk around the neighborhood and saw a hummingbird across the street from home. I like having Smoggie Catt sit with me while I type.

Today’s bucket includes: complete some art pieces we started last night, work on some tunes, and catch up on dishes and put away my laundry.

gewd day

Woke up this morning and dozed inn and out a few times. Kept going back to the same dream space.

A little difficult to explain that space now because I didn’t write anything down.

Probably best, I watched a horror/thriller series on Netflix the last few days titled “Project 81” and it was strange to say the least.

The ending less than what I was hoping for, but it still fucked with the dream sequence.

Working on some wood block arts. One of them is finished and I’ll post it soonly via Instagram and arts tab here on the .com // sold my first piece of the year to a nice fellow named Thomas that I met for the first time last week.

If I remember correctly he is from the Oregon Coast. We met at Anna Bannana’s and I showed up late and it was busy from the get go to the very end.

Working on explaining my intention/purpose/idea behind art more clearly.

I took some notes along the way. Where I put those notes is still a little mystery to me.

Just poured my second coffee of the day and plan to find all that after blogging these words.

Currently listening to “The Darling Buds” and seems to be the right kinda mellow to get to doing the things.

Second super grey and misty day in a row where I am. These days are a gentle balance in drinking coffee, but not too much.

Yesterday I definitely drank too much too soon and had a million overstimulated energies. I jumped at every little movement including my own.

Well… a song is ending and so I feel it best to move off the web for now.

Be Free!


New Week / New Tracks

I uploaded a new set of songs titled “Radikali Transmissions”.

Hope you’ll give them a listen and let me know your thoughts.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, and Andy Summers. Portland winters makes their music quite the perfect soundtrack for my wandering mind.

Also recently finished watching all five seasons of the scifi “Babylon 5” so it definitely has some of them vibes.

Time to write a grocery list and hopefully art a little bit between making dinner and cleaning up my bedroom.

Be Free Ya’ll!



a whole lotta clause

and not a lotta said

we’re given a clue

and left to wander with it

it’s our birthright to walk away

strawberries in the winter time is a ridiculous frustration

water is delicious

did you see the way they looked at each other?

for every hi another hello

New Tracks / New Year

I hope everyone finds more peace and stability this coming year.

Be the peace you want to see in the world.

Make eye contact with someone you don’t know. Smile. Wave. It’ll be okay.

We are stronger when we allow ourselves to have grace with those who see the world differently without making devils of one another.

There are a few thoughts of mine this Sunday.

Here are some new tracks I recently uploaded. Enjoy!


simpler explanation for the equation of [...]

and now

a typewriter that can\\\\

as for what it willow

and to the cedar

and that some what gnome

antelope that skitter and scatter

and fall into moss holes and willa wagoos

instead of flooming harper who loo’s

and friggen fricket frigs

big up the shallow wanna pogs

and fillow the freast within

beca llama cannot moose

until moose llama the bruise

because bruise calm a the llama

and moose be llama dues!

Exactly to the Being

We have refuge in Neptune

We have Venus between us

and a few more

of local bread

Who see and distinguish accordingly

who stays?
and who is this external extra dice?

the ones

who salmon up courage

too late

better off knot ignored

implore us more

implore the ancients in our context

may your god be not a saint

but a gentleman

for if it be our fate to wander

I’ve been blessed to know many door holders

and the combinations to their keys

stay free Whatever it means be free!


Oh November

November is almost over and what a month it has been…

The month began with my first extended break since the world shut down because of Covid. If you didn’t know I have worked continually through it all. It is a blessing to have a job, though it has gotten a little tiring and many times I have wondered if stepping back would have made me focus on art and music more. So it goes.

I’m still creating frequently. Need to work my focus on getting more live performances. That’s where I thrive.

Ashley Klump and I went back to the Virginia at the beginning of November. We saw my grandparents on my mom’s side, my mom and her husband Sean, Uncle Randy and Angie, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Lonnie and Bryan, my brother Jason and his wife Savannah, and their little one Audrey. Oh and Pat, mom’s friend and neighbor-she’s essentially family in my opinion. That’s a lot of freakin family in about four days.

Ashley and I also got engaged! That’s something I never really thought would happen, but this little fairy tale is far from finished. Seems this fox met his match. A wild and eccentric, yet meek and mild, beautiful woman. Thank you Ashely.

Back into the coffeehouse and back to Portland…

I’ve been reading “Be Here Now / Be Nowhere” by Raam Dass, Mahabharata.

Creating new tracks with the synth and a newly acquired theremin that was a birthday gift from my friend Jenny Duchene. The theremin is a little more challenging to record with as of now. I’ll post new tracks soon.

Thanksgiving was beautiful and yummy. Ashley and I had our friends Alan and Aimee over.

Oh there was a lunar eclipse this month. Didn’t see it / Definitely felt it.

Lots of rain in the PNW. It’s so nice to have it back. Listening to crows. The hummingbirds are everywhere again. I saw three on my “morning” coffee walk today.

Also the night after Ashley and I got back from Virginia-we saw what was only my second owl since living out west fly over and sit on the power line above us and Bonnie and I saw went walking one night and three raccoons came out to say hello to us.

Been tuning into Russell Brand’s YouTube channel a lot more frequently. His perspective and wisdom on the issues he covers is inspiring to me. There’s a lot of work to do still my fellow earthlings.

Hmmm…. I am sure there are many things I am leaving out. There’s another tab open with other projects to finish.

Birthday Thoughts

Firstly, it’s not every year we are #blessed with a full moon on our birthday and a haircut the day before. Thank you Ashley and Sierra for helping make the haircut happen. Thank you goddess for the full moon tonight.

Secondly, I am grateful to be alive and well and for the communities in which I dwell. 

Thank you for the love and wisdom all of you share. It really means a lot to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

October and Her Colors

Oh it’s my birthday month, turning 35 tomorrow. There’s a full moon tomorrow night, too. The colors around town have not disappointed this year. Always remembering that wandering is therapy, too. It’s good to find relief in the textures and colors in this realm.

I hear and/or see a hummingbird almost daily and that keeps me in a state of gratitude and mystery. They’re like guardian angels who appear to remind there is still magic even when it feels the world is completely crazy.



I’ve been slacking on the blogging again.

Not that there is any short of happenings.

The fall colors in Portland, Oregon are absolutely stunning.

I’ve been recording more tracks in Logic Pro and learning how to adjust volumes accordingly for that format.

Still making coffee at Anna Bannanas four days a week. Painting in between.

Making home more homely.

Practicing making more healthy routines is a constant thing.

My 35th birthday is two days away.

Started reading the Mahabharata again. It was gifted to me by my good friend, Kshitij Kumar some time back and I never got through it the first time so making use of the rainy days and reading it to the end this time.

I’ll share some fall pictures later this evening when I am more focused.

I’ve been hearing a lot of music I have never heard before. Thank you Darci and Amando specifically.

Thank you to everyone for their help and support. Large and small. I am grateful for it all.