
… gottta get back into the routine of bloggin, man!

  • life is great and i am grateful to be where and who i am and surrounded by so many awesome folks.

  • marrying Ashley Klump in eight days!

  • got my haircut last wednesday and it’s feeling like i like it to again! Thank you Sierra!

  • got my right ear pierced last monday! looking forward to it healing and wearing all the dangle-y things!

  • i made gnocchi with veggies and curry paste last night! if you’ve never had curry with gnocchi you ought to try it! potatoes!

  • that’s it for now! time for a power nap and then cleaning up house so this busy mind can find focus.

One Month

One month from now is my wedding day. Feeling a lot of feels. Working on the things and making sure I am ready to be ready physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually, etc and so many more things. Figuring out clothing and last minute stuffs. Need some alterations to a coat, gotta stash dollars to be okay in the off days.

Wowzers! Excited, mostly focused. As an artist deadlines help, This little ant is doing his best.

ta ramblè

feeling the freedom in the free fall

and the acceptance I found in madness

is to realize the actual and see the adjectives

all together

all as one

eyes before nose

breath by breath

and so on

this is it

and now

and now

a machine is growing bigger and people are getting littler

it’s easy being secondary

it ain’t easy being right in a world of so many “what’s left?”

it ain’t easy being left behind and worrying about “who’s right?”

all together

here we are


drip drip drop little April showers

I slept more peacefully than I have in a really long while last night. The rain has been steady and mellow.

Spring time in Portland, Oregon is very special. It’s still not warm, but it’s not as cold as before.

Nights can still get down in the 30’s but the rain clouds make it feel warmer.

The dogwood trees and cherry blossoms have bloomed.

The magnolias are beginning to bud, new growth is slowly coming to all the trees, and moss is abundant everywhere.

Two To Stand On

“Two To Stand On” is two tracks I’ve recorded live and impromptu over the last couple weeks. After recording on my phone the tracks were put into the recording program and sound panned from ear to ear accordingly. The songs are solemn as it’s been a pretty solemn couple weeks processing the unexpected life of a friend.

Modest Mouse

I am seeing Modest Mouse live for the first time tonight. Outside. In the heart of downtown Portland. This is a freakin dream come true. Thank you Melissa!

Smoggie Catt's 13th Birthday

Today, my good friend and best pal, Smoggie Catt turned 13 years old. She’s been by my side through some of the most trying and most exciting times of my life. She lays down beside me when I am ill, constantly gives kisses, and all around badass creature.

I love her love for the rain. I love her longing to adventure and always meet new neighbors. I look forward to many more years of adventures and improv photoshoots with her by my side.

Also full moon and meteor shower tonight! And Happy Birthday to my friend Cody Trespalacios that has been my friend since third grade!


cracked scapula

one week ago today i cracked my scapula. i was helping a friend who accidentally locked his keys in his apartment. it was a really tiny window and i thought i could slide in really quick and grab them and get out.

i got one leg and two arms in and then i was stuck. in a fleeting moment i saw his bed below and thought i’d just push myself through and the bed would catch my fall. the bed did catch my fall, but in the moment i didn’t realize how high the fall was.

so i have been out of working the coffeehouse since and go back this saturday. it’s been really challenging being still and not being able to have my arm’s full rotation. i know it’ll take time and much exercise to get my arm to fully extend as it once did.

i am not afraid. it’s pretty freaky, but that’s part of the experience. my biggest concern is the extended time away from my day job because there is still rent to pay and other grown up responsibilities.

all that to say if anyone wants/can help by purchasing some of my art to help with rent, etc, it would really mean a lot right now. i accept cash app ( $icallmeabcorduroy ) or the good old fashioned cash if you are live locally.

my instagram page is the most up to date archive i have. all prices are negotiable. if you don’t use instagram you can still scroll through and email me at: ( abcorduroy@gmail.com ) about a piece.

well, that’s that.

until the next moment!


Yesum of em

Etc the best //

and the rest will resist //

acorn falls // another showers //

while this other-other presents pleasantries //

less we understand an education for all / we will never evolve //

as a society //

as a whole //

rest assured there are soldiers of truth //

// all around you // and no matter

// what // the wtf //

// happens

// in the end we will find

// heaven on earth

// even it be

// just a freakin moment

of truth.


love is a verb. it’s what we do. gratitude is the adjective that got us here. my mind is a whirlwind of things and stuff. sometimes focused. sometimes not. the day is warm, but not too hot. my body says create. my ears say wait. listen to the music in the background and keep on typing until you cain’t any longer. so i am. so it goes. the sentence became from the words. the language, whichever one we’re using in the moment, a vehicle for the peculiar to explain the unexplainable.

endeavor and ever

potatoes for dinner

potatoes for breakfast

my friend, Mark, in Gainesville, Florida posted his daily sigil and some words that said “creativity is a process not a product”, and I keep meditating on this over and over the last couple days. it’s a simple sentence packed with so much wisdom.

i know it to be true and i endeavor to share more and more of my process with all of you.