Snow Days (Part 2)

The snow is melting away now. Yesterday was very icy. Each step sounded like thunder as I stepped through the layer of ice to the mushy snow below.  Icicles were falling off trees on the walk home from work. Now it's mostly mush outside.

There's been on and off mistiness in the air and the skies are grey! The rainy grey days have finally arrived I think.

Also other head thinking. It was fun sticking my head out the window and feeling the cool air blow through my hair and listening to snow melt off the trees and rooftops. 

Also tonight I get to see mewithoutYou and I couldn't ask for more ideal weather! This will be my first time seeing them since moving out west and also the first time since the release of Ten Stories!

Beyond excited! Every moment I see them is much needed and well remembered. I'm sure in a few days when I've had time to mellow I can expand on this excitement.

Right now I'm in super mellow head spot.

I've waited about 5 years to see them live again!!!! Aaaaah!! 

Photo Feb 09, 11 58 27 AM.jpg
Photo Feb 08, 10 27 11 AM.jpg