Inside Outward

Inside Outward is my most recent songs I've created. I have been using a Korg R3 for the sounds. I recently came across a mic that plugs into the usb port on my computer. 

I was really excited to sing over some songs, but it didn't quite come as organically as I thought. I kept trying and not liking what I came up with. So I decided to throw some distortion on my voice for the beginning and the outro track.

I like the final result. It feels honest. It has an upbeat, over the top beginning and end with a dark center. The 3 songs as a whole are my attempt to share life as I feel it lately. 

There is a bounce in my step. I am working 2 jobs and selling art fairly frequently. I am falling in love. I am making more music. My art is even surprising me where it's going. 

I'm still looking for a place for Smoggie Catt and I to live. I still need to finish putting together my book "Fragmented Realities" for people to read. I still worry about climate change and politics have never been more insane.

I'm saying I'm alright. I have my fears and uncertainties, but I don't let them get the best of me.

I embrace the "awkward". I acknowledge the moment as they are and that takes keeping an unclouded perspective. 

It takes practice. It takes patience. It takes love. It takes honesty with myself and others.

I think these tunes show those waves of the soul and how I feel about life currently.

If you have a moment, give them a listen.

I'm going to quit rambling and clean up my belongings and get ready to go to work.

Be free fellow Earthlings,