New Music

Smit and Smack

What’s in a sentence? What’s in a sentence? What’s in a sentence?

How did Howard not know what was to become of Uncle Bill?

Man cannot live off grease and carbs alone! No!

Hold up! I should explain to ya (the reader) a couple things at least.

First, April Allergies in Portland, Oregon - like clockwork, always show up again and make me fight for breath.

Secondly, the end of imagination will be the end of civilization.


New Week / New Tracks

I uploaded a new set of songs titled “Radikali Transmissions”.

Hope you’ll give them a listen and let me know your thoughts.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, and Andy Summers. Portland winters makes their music quite the perfect soundtrack for my wandering mind.

Also recently finished watching all five seasons of the scifi “Babylon 5” so it definitely has some of them vibes.

Time to write a grocery list and hopefully art a little bit between making dinner and cleaning up my bedroom.

Be Free Ya’ll!


New Tracks / New Year

I hope everyone finds more peace and stability this coming year.

Be the peace you want to see in the world.

Make eye contact with someone you don’t know. Smile. Wave. It’ll be okay.

We are stronger when we allow ourselves to have grace with those who see the world differently without making devils of one another.

There are a few thoughts of mine this Sunday.

Here are some new tracks I recently uploaded. Enjoy!


New Music, Etc

I took the weekend to clean up my "new" living space and work on some new music. 

I did a lot more of the cleaning and organizing than I did the music making. 

I have some ideas for songs. All the words are written out, but I haven't been able to make the appropriate music to go with the words. I acquired a mic that plugs into the usb port of the laptop, but I just haven't got it down to what the particular songs to sound like. 

Here is a song I made. You can download it if you want. I hope to post more soon. I'll let you know when I do.


Inside Outward

Inside Outward is my most recent songs I've created. I have been using a Korg R3 for the sounds. I recently came across a mic that plugs into the usb port on my computer. 

I was really excited to sing over some songs, but it didn't quite come as organically as I thought. I kept trying and not liking what I came up with. So I decided to throw some distortion on my voice for the beginning and the outro track.

I like the final result. It feels honest. It has an upbeat, over the top beginning and end with a dark center. The 3 songs as a whole are my attempt to share life as I feel it lately. 

There is a bounce in my step. I am working 2 jobs and selling art fairly frequently. I am falling in love. I am making more music. My art is even surprising me where it's going. 

I'm still looking for a place for Smoggie Catt and I to live. I still need to finish putting together my book "Fragmented Realities" for people to read. I still worry about climate change and politics have never been more insane.

I'm saying I'm alright. I have my fears and uncertainties, but I don't let them get the best of me.

I embrace the "awkward". I acknowledge the moment as they are and that takes keeping an unclouded perspective. 

It takes practice. It takes patience. It takes love. It takes honesty with myself and others.

I think these tunes show those waves of the soul and how I feel about life currently.

If you have a moment, give them a listen.

I'm going to quit rambling and clean up my belongings and get ready to go to work.

Be free fellow Earthlings,



I've been working on a 3 song demo to be released by Halloween with my friend, Tim Craft. I've got a rough demo of the first song. 

Some of the words and melodies are still being worked out. So the question is.. Should I post it now or do you guys wanna wait and here a more polished product? 
