Mt Hood

June 25, 2015 // White Salmon River

I went to white water rafting down the White Salmon River on Thursday. 

That's somewhere in South East Washington. Around Hood River but on the Washington side. 

Anyway there were many awe inspiring eye shots of Mt Hood. 

It was a clear day. Probably in the 90's.

White water rafting was lots of fun. Less scary than I expected. 

You get wet suits and all that essential stuff. 

We jumped a 6 foot waterfall. That's actually it in the picture to the right. 

I didn't fall off once. 

The water was 40 degrees. It was so blue and clear. A very well taken care of river. They say the water is run off from Mt Adams. 

That's glacier water. I love the Pacific Northwest. 

Viva Cascadia! 

Anyway i'm going to quit interwebbing and read this book or draw or something. 

be free fellow earthlings! 



Return To Indian Henry

The first picture is driving through the countryside on the way out to Mt Hood National Forest. 

The campsite is named Indian Henry.

The second picture is the in the Indian Henry campground. 

I spread some of my brother Dalton's ashes a year ago.

The last picture is the view from under the tree on top of the rock in the second picture.


There's magic in those parts, friends. If you get the opportunity climb up to that tree. 

Feel the breeze sing and listen to the tree. 

I'll spare the ramblings for another entry, but go visit Indian Henry. 

The forest grounds are covered with great fallen trees and pillows of moss. 

I couldn't capture all the magic in photography. 

I went on a journey. 

The climates have shifted. 

I could keep rambling, but I end it with this:

Protect the Cascadian forest and rivers

at all cost.


Mt Hood National Forest

I went to Mt Hood National Forest last weekend for my friends' Jackie and Eric's birthday.

I have wanted to dive into that region of Oregon as far back as 3 years before moving to Oregon.

The forest is absolutely divine. 

It's really easy to forget who you are, even more so where you are. 

Also it was only just over an hour drive from Portland. That's so close! 

It feels so healthy and alive out there.

The air is crisp.

The plants are 50 shades of green.

There are great fallen trees who give to baby ferns and moss a solid back to grow on.

I have never truly felt more at home until that moment. 

It was a magic I've only seen in my head that feels so wonderfully familiar again. 

Photo Jun 14, 1 27 08 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 10 25 23 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 10 40 18 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 11 23 33 AM.jpg