rain forest

Mt Hood National Forest

I went to Mt Hood National Forest last weekend for my friends' Jackie and Eric's birthday.

I have wanted to dive into that region of Oregon as far back as 3 years before moving to Oregon.

The forest is absolutely divine. 

It's really easy to forget who you are, even more so where you are. 

Also it was only just over an hour drive from Portland. That's so close! 

It feels so healthy and alive out there.

The air is crisp.

The plants are 50 shades of green.

There are great fallen trees who give to baby ferns and moss a solid back to grow on.

I have never truly felt more at home until that moment. 

It was a magic I've only seen in my head that feels so wonderfully familiar again. 

Photo Jun 14, 1 27 08 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 10 25 23 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 10 40 18 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 14, 11 23 33 AM.jpg