
Spring Water Corridor and Sellwood

...And then I found the Spring Water Corridor  (40 mile bike loop) and Sellwood but only had an hour until the sun went down.

I went 5 miles deep and saw a wildlife refuge, a cute little creek, all kinds of beautiful flowers, a small amusement park, nature preserve, and all kinds of potential exploration spots without names. 

It's a little industrial on one side but the trail follows the Willamette River and there's some pretty greenery in the distance if you look past the gravel of construction.  

Also Sellwood if I ever make enough money as an artist and don't have to get up super early to make the coffee for America you shall be my home spot. 

I love you Portland, Oregon. I love you so much. I keep finding new adventure spots. I can't wait to see this trail in the Fall! 

No pictures this go round, but I know where I will spending my down time when I want to escape the city noise. 


My friend lent me his bike while he is out of town. I almost forgot how much I enjoy biking around and letting my mind wander. And now that I understand the basic layout of this city I understand why Portland is the bike capital of the United States. I love this city man.