
(Pause) So What's The Bloody Point!?

What's the point? Why do I post a picture of doodles every morning when I have shirts to sell? Do you even sell shirts? Who am I talking to? What the hell is Sleepwalking anyway?

Hmmm..... well it's been a while since I rambled hard. 

1: I do sell shirts. I wish I had all the money to do this as a full scale, full time job business, but that ain't how I do. I make up as I go, I make use of what I have, I make it what I want it to be.

2: By my definition to Sleepwalk is to: "Live. Dream. Get lost in between.". In other words things are NOT how they be. They are what you make them to be. We all have magic to make our own realities, but only some of us really tap into that energy.

3: I post drawings because that's how this clothing line started. Drawings in a notebook when I feel overwhelmed by feelings I cannot put into writings. They are all part of the same world I run to in my head. They are all "Alfreds" and they all live in a place I think I call "Corduroy Cove".

4: I do not sleep a lot. 3 hours here. 4 hours there. I find magic by in peoploids. In animals. In conversation. In books. In rambles. In drawing.

5: The idea of Sleepwalking Collective is to inspire others to do the same. I don't care if you draw, write, sing, play guitar, but get lost in whatever the doing you do. If one person listens, if 10 listen then cool. Mostly it's for me.

6: Sleepwalking Collective is a clothing line: Yes. I want it to be greater. I want it to be a movement of art. I want it to be more than just me, but these things must happen organically. There will be more items available. I don't try too hard to front I'm more than I am. I just had to start somewhere that was comfortable for me. Some months I make no money, others $50, mostly somewhere in between.

I am already exactly who I've always thought I would be. The rest happens when you take time to just let things be. Sometimes I post absurd stuff. Sometimes it's heart felt thoughts.

7: I want to do a many of things. I got many more books I want to write: kid's books, graphic novel/poetry epics, and many many more. I want to make music again. I want to perform music again. It all can't happen overnight. Shit.. It took me how long to even start a clothing line and write a book.

Time is a joke.

She creates knots and expectation. Just because some tweeny pop star took over the world overnight doesn't mean you have to. I mean look at the old man who wrote Game of Thrones. Homeboy hasn't even finished writing those books yet. 

LASTLY... Sleepwalking is a Revolution. I don't expect you to believe me. It's a shift in consciousness, but it has to start within.

I don't do time, but something happened at the beginning of 2014. The beginning of the end of the corporate machine.  

Those machines didn't rise to power in the blink of an eye. They didn't do it alone. I can't do this alone.

The shift won't happen overnight, but I predict it will by the end of my life and I expect to live between 85 and 100. So we have at least 58 years worth of work to do.

I'm only trying to creep into you're thinking patterns. You can call it absurd or just words. I've already said a whole lotta lot of brain thoughts and my attention span is that of a fly.

Enough of my ramblings. Be Free Fellow Earthlings. Be Free!


I beg of anyone who reads this blog to take the time to watch this video. The truth of the matter is you'll probably spend 20 minutes or more on Facebook in a sitting; so why not take the time to watch this video? 

There's some really good thoughts to think about in this video and the lady presents it very light heartedly.

We need to start taking care of our planet. The selfishness and ignorance of the human specie is reaching ridiculous levels.

Enough of my ranting for the moment. Watch the nice lady talk.

The Gods Will Be Dead Before We Reach Them

It is not until we forget the expectations of our generation; to work, to love, and to multiply that we will be free to fly with the eagles, run with the antelopes, and sing with the birds.

It is not until we connect with the former world, respect the fragility of the present, and the potential of the next that the magic of the ancients will be revealed to us.

We as a specie (manimals that walk on two feet and think with logic and reason) have attained the greatest technology in recorded history but have forgotten we too will eventually be history.

With all that knowledge we should be more fixed on preserving the world we have worked so hard to understand rather than extracting all it's resources like there is no more tomorrow. 

Religions come and go. Polytheism is largely a thing of the past. The age of monotheism is the "modern way". Christianity leads the way with the greatest numbers in monotheism right now. Islam is a close competitor. Maybe in the next hundred years or so Islam will be the new major religion of the world.

What I'm trying to say is that none of that matters. We should accept it for what things as they are and agree to disagree. I’m not saying any of the said religions are right necessarily. I honestly think they aren’t, but if they give people purpose and they aren’t hurting anyone let them do what they want.

We are intelligent beings. The Greatest? That’s debatable, but we make great buildings, gadgets, and road systems that have mapped much of the known world. But our specie’s time as "king" is so relatively minute in the grand age of our planet. 

We are absolute nothings, but that is where we should find humility and look to be all we can be. It's true we are but a blink in time so why not let petty arguments rest and worry about the bigger things? We should strive for greater goodness.

If one meteor crashed into Central China the entire world’s economy would be thrown into chaos. Think about in just the United States how many products are branded “Made In China”. Think of the minerals that are harvested there for your fancy technology or the numbers of people that labor away to make the clothes on your back that would no longer exist.

It could happen anywhere. In the blink of an eye and destruction and devastation; we think just because we are so evolved the universe will not throw us curveballs. We should know better. Nature is a fierce beast who does what she wants. The Earth is ever changing; even if ever so slowly it’s still evolving. We use to be a planet of fire and rock and now we are lush with vast, blue oceans.

There was a time when Dinosaurs ruled the world. They were a “great” species as well, but then they were wiped away by a meteor and never returned. That was a long time ago you may say.

I would have to agree. That is very true. But who’s to say that wouldn’t happen to us? We are just one minor specie on a minor planet in a universe amongst thousands of universes. Take solace and humility in that. Live life to the fullest, but also respect the great web of nature that we are a part of.

With great knowledge also comes responsibility. Let’s be more resourceful with what we have on this planet. Treat the other creatures that we share this planet with some respect. If you are still enough you can understand them. Those who came before did.

I think it’s very probable that our planet will go traumatic experiences that will change everything we know. So while protecting our home it is also only reasonable to search out the prospect of new ones. Obviously there is plenty here, but we are soaking it all up fast.

And even with all these thoughts I know that humans will still fight, and they will still wage war. That’s the animal in us all. That’s a whole other rambling of thoughts for a later time.

As for now the only true gods I know of that have any validity and dependability are the stars. They have lit the skies for millions of years. They have been a source of directions to sailors and nomads. They tell us about ourselves; even directly affect our personalities. 

The Sun for instance is just a super star that gives us life. A star so great we can’t look at it with our bare eyes or we’d go blind. Without it we’d have no life at all. Even still with all its awe inspiring power our sun is not unique. There are many suns and many stars in the numerous galaxies beyond our comprehension.

We should be aiming to live amongst the stars. After all we are all star stuff anyway. Made up of the many chemicals and scientific stuff that I a commoner know nothing about except the same thing we are made of is what is in outer space and everywhere. We were just fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to take on this form. I’d be talking gibberish if I attempted to get into that.

Let us go strive to go back to which we came and put our petty wars aside. Let’s reach for the gods. The gods that will be dead before we reach them; that’s pure science, but that doesn’t mean we should stop the pursuit of a greater goodness.