free box


Today my friend Jackie Jones and I were walking to our friend Hallow's first birthday when we found a free box!

Jackie recovered an umbrella, sweater, and hat! I recovered a picture of a mushroom and a hat!

We gifted Hallow a book about hats.

I feel the bio of this book really fit the current event.

Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Jackie's hat as I got distracted.

It dub it a great adventure nonetheless.


Free Box Finds! Records!

I found the most awesome records in a free box this evening. Nerdy but awesome. All kinds of old music and the records are in near perfect condition.

Also I should probably really invest in a record player. A record player and Eric Lubarsky to listen to this old classical music with me. 

Also, Portlandia is no lie. Maybe they're stereotypes but it's what drew me to this place. It's a whole new way of life. I love it.
