head thoughts

Thinking Thoughts

i got up and washed some dishes and started 2 loads of laundry. All before a morning coffee mind you. 

I got some coffee. I've since began working on my zzzwalking post for the day and rearranged the living room. 

I need to go get those clothes out of the dryer actually but in my frenzy of art, cleaning, and reading I started thinking thoughts.

so for sake of rambling...

there is no good and evil only cause and effect in constant rotation.

reality is a relative.

consciousness is a choice.

i'm not sure on all the interworkings of those last 2 sentences, but I don't feel like redacting anything at the moment. Like I said "thinking thoughts". 

It's nice to have time to think. That's one reason I wander and draw so much. It gets you out of your head. 

In a society like ours where people are constantly on the go we must remember there are bits of "momentary bliss" all around us. We just have to be conscious enough to notice them. 

Anyway, those clothes need taken out of the dryer so I'm going to stop typing for now.

Also there was a really good rain yesterday evening/night. thank you magic.

be free fellow earthlings,


Head Thoughts

It's kind of like a puppet show but more frustrating. 

Maybe it's over fabricated in my head.

But we tried to attack Syria sometime back.

Don't ask me when I don't do so good with keeping up with time and politics.

I follow the basics. I follow intuition.

I take care of me and my own.

Less is more.

Anywho people kind of got worried. Drone talk was a pretty new scare I believe.

But now their is a big bad wolf in Syria and Iraq again.

Also at some point this 10 years I've been hearing about how the fucking troops are coming home.

That's a decade of my life man.

Enough time for us to live in fear and get lost in a whole new world of... stuff.

It all started with the War in Afghanistan.

Makes sense. Attacked by terrorist, that's hypothetically where the big bad wolf is.

A couple years later we get magic phones and social media

Every year there's a shinier and shinier toy and a quicker and quicker way to the interwebs

I'm not saying all these toys are bad. I think they're the best weapon we have.

Going back to now:

10 years later

New iphone 6 and now a some magical, future watch, gadget... thing.

Now Obama has stated he has the power to do what he needs in Iraq and Syria without Congress.

His speech is at 9pm tomorrow.

This is just moments before the 9/11 moment.

I'm not asking you to live in fear.

I'm just asking you to tune in and listen.

I'm going to listen, but it don't feel right in my stomach man.

I'm shocked I've been able to hold focus to still be typing words.

Also a news clip I watched with the Prime Minister dude in the UK said the war over there would take a long time. He spoke in decades I don't remember whether plural or just one.

But I've already seen a decade of this repetitiousness.

Change is happening. 

Even if it's another 10 years of fear and high tech gear.

It'll be more intense. The interweb is still very new to us.

Maybe I just have to much hope in man.

Take time to look up at the stars.

If you read this far, we're gonna be alright. 

Be Free!

< 3 -ABC


The last 5 months seem to have lasted 5 years. The last month feels like a lifetime of it's own and I question moment by moment what reality really is.

Bills get paid for the most part. Sometimes late, but they do get paid. "If only had more hours" I think. Then the thoughts of running away. But to where? And what will it do?

I feel enlightened. I feel enraged. All of it means nothing but to me there's a whole lot of something that I want to convey in a meaningful way.

What's it matter? It's a moment of importance or maybe just a job well done.

Constantly searching. Momentarily in love with existence herself.

If we could just let go.

Do something important like go for walks and stop and look.

Listen to rain drops.

Smell the cool night air.

We're all a bunch of nothings going nowhere fast.

Take time to breathe a little.

When is the last time you tasted the air or appreciated the scent of your lover's hair?



Yesterday and Today and Everything Else, Too

Yesterday I went to a cool art show on SE Belmont called "Boxes of Death" where artist from around town were given miniature coffins and told to make whatever they so desired from/on it. There were some really interesting concepts, lots of people, and just good people observing time.

This West Coast vibe is so pure and chill. I hope to be able to assimilate within it organically, but as of late it's all so surreal and beautiful to me. All I can do is sit back and watch in awe of life and all it's beautiful insanity. 

Everything Else, Too:

I have the upmost respect for my manager and coworkers; more so than ever before, but also becoming more and more aware of the tedious nature of my job. I'm not saying my work ethic has diminished at all.  I just feel more extreme emotions concerning my job.

I don't let spilt coffee stress me, I won't let a long line get under my skin. Not that it ever did before but I feel more numb to it all. 

I don't mind people asking for picky things, that's the nature of my job. For better or for worse that is what Starbucks has created.

It's the idea of being oblivious as to what you are ordering, where it came from, and how much work it takes to get you what you eat/drink that drives me ever towards insanity/enlightenment.  

As a comfortable First World earthling we forget how much of what we enjoy in some way or some form comes from nature.

We forget how many trees are chopped down so we have a napkin or a bag to carry our "stuff" in because why carry around a reusable bag; thats too heavy on our backs or you might get sweaty. Fuck!  

That we as a species are so picky about what we eat; while other animals are force fed shitty mediocre food pumped full of "stuff" so that they will grow exponentially faster so that we have can have a sausage sandwich on our way into our job that we will bitch about all too often.

I won't even get started on the amounts of plastic that goes un-recycled or the amounts of food that gets tossed into the garbage.

The life of another fellow earthling forced through a concentration camp of sorts so that we Manimals have food, but end up throwing it away without even thinking twice about it. It hurts! 

It hurts to let my mind pander on such things. I don't do it too often and try to consume as little as possible in my own little world to help better balance my part of the world. But how long can this go on? We can't keep think that we can eternally extract forever and ever.

I don't like to talk about work. Work is something I do to make my music and art ambitions a reality. But lately I have become more and more aware of my fox origins and with that comes a fondness for the forest that only a fox can have.


Today after work I lied around in the bed and let the cool breeze blow through the window with my good friend, Smoggie Catt. She really does keep me sane and I love her dearly.  

Also just before coming to the Starbucks to take advantage of it's interwebs (because I do not have them at the moment) I went to my friend Tim's to grab his guitar.

He wrote out the basics of guitar tabs and I plan to try and learn guitar finally!!! That is how I will spend my night.

No work tomorrow; time to see how quickly I learn this thing! I just want to be on the stage again. It's the one place I feel most alive besides wandering around the forest.

I can't be in the forest all the time at this present moment though. So I NEED music. I've been writing all kinds of words and I just want to share with them with the entire world! 

It's never too late for change! Never too late to rethink ideals. Times change, technologies do too; as should laws.

Change is inevitable, evolution is guaranteed. It's time to long for a greater goodness. 


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MJ Monday And Other Head Blurbs

I started MJ Monday off watching "This Is It" for the second night in a row; which is good because the most of my day is making coffee to a generic playlist.

I have many words on the awesomeness of Michael Jackson, but I am not awake enough to sing any such praises at this moment. 

Also, I'm ready to get into the music again. Get lost in it. Jamming again on Thursday Night. ​

Everything MJ did was so in sync with the music. The way he harmonized so well, the rhythm of his dance looked effortless and flawless, and damn his band in the "This Is It" film. Daaaammnnnn that guitar! ​

Also my book is almost ready to send to the printing stage. ​

I need to read more. I really do. ​

​OOOooooh look I found the whole film on Youtube! 

​It's probably on Netflix, too.

I think you should watch it. ​