
rainy daze

the good

the bad

and the hungry

all want the same thing

dignity, atonomy, and community

i am listening to the local jazz station and there is a beautiful song playing

very soulful

the song had… it just ended… the song had clips of Martin Luther King Jr mixed in and i heard him say something i have never heard before.

the words:

“we in america have a unique opportunity in history to have a blood-less revolution…”

there may have been more. that’s what i took note of.

less voilence and more creative protest are a must

handful of fools

i walked down towards the Pearl last night. for those not living in Portland, that is a really nice and well moneyed neighborhood in the NW quadrant of town. 

Last night was night 3 of protests against Donald Trump. A handful of people decided it was a good idea to take baseball bats to businesses and spray paint on others. 

Donald Trump is our president elect. Unless we seriously find a way to not make that be, that is our reality. Busting up buildings is not a way to solve such things.

To the handful of fools, mark my words, if you are not careful, these outbreaks justify martial law. The feds have a lot of power right now. It's a time to be patient and observant, not foolish. 

In other news it's really creepy how Donald Trump has head next to no press near him at the moment. Keep your eyes and hearts open, friends. 

be free fellow earthlings


good morning

hello fellow earthlings...

it is november 10th 2016. donald j trump is the president elect of the united states of america.

as much as i am worried about what all those republicans with power can do at a time like this, i think we all knew intuitively we would have to fight for what we believe even if Hillary was elected. 

As interesting as 4 years of bill clinton memes would have been, we don't need such distractions: now we must be more diligent about getting involved and standing up for others; be that student debt, combatting climate change, health care for all, fracking, the north dakota pipeline, all the pipelines, etc etc.

i'm asking you fellow earthlings to not live in fear.

filled with good intent, fueled by fear, we'll all become monsters.

instead, study and learn, organize and stand up, love one another, and remember when we unite under a common causes there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

liberty and justice for ALL

be free fellow earthlings


head thought

in my opinion, in a successful democracy, these primaries/caucus times should be looked at as a "season" not a "race". 

i don't know what it is technically called, but it's a thought i'm trying to type out.

why the race to a number?

in order to believe a government has our best interest at mind, individually and collectively:

why should not every state and territory have EQUAL opportunity to vote? 

then compare test scores at the end and elect accordingly. 

to me, that is what democracy looks like.

played out more often rather than sprinting to "magical number 666.6" or something i can make sense of what the founding fathers envisioned. 

this is the first time i've seen the process played this far out and it's quite interesting.

as we've seen this season, the rules could use a 21st clean up.

we're still flipping coins for delegates in some places. really though.

well that and getting big money out of politics. again. 

i'm going to quit rambling now. 

be free fellow earthlings.




Bernie Trump Debate

At a time where i genuinely don't know what to expect next in US politics it seems as though Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are going to have a chance to debate before the final democratic primaries on june 7th.

there is no official date last i checked, but the internet is buzzing too much for it to not happen. 

i think the 21st century could two rowdy new yorkers arguing it out.

i'm curious to see what will become of the situation.

also would it be on fox news... what kind of questions will they ask?

also curious to know how bernie's numbers fair in these final few primaries. 

lately it seems nothing is certain and everything is entertainment. 

stay informed. be free fellow earthlings.



tartarus by acorn season

you'll remember when
not too long from now
you'll say, "a.b., you were right, friend." 

on the other side of hell
there's a story of hallelujah glory
when the saints go marching in
i'll be laughing with my friends
on the side of hell
hallelujah glory

john the baptist
that homosexual fuck
took jesus down by the river

fuck what's it gotta do with luck? 
i don't know if i know how to "let it go" 

filled with good intent
fueled by fear
we'll all become monsters

you think i've lost it? 
yeah, i've done lost it all
more than once
i ain't playing no more
i've already lost my mind in this song

i ain't no fucking messiah
i ain't no fucking king
but when it comes to liberty
all you gotta do is sing with me

la la la la long live liberty

i came by to sing rock n' roll songs. 
i came by to yell revolution. 
i came by for all you nonbelievers. 
mad as a hatter, but i ain't evil

today I walked around the most beautiful neighborhood in NW Portland. This one block particularly had really tall Japanese Maples and well designed Victorian houses.

It was enough to make my mind wander and remember how to feel small. 

There are many great trees in this region. I find more and more respect for these beings with every passing day. 

They've seen so much come and go and they continue to grow. 

Metaphors. Cliches. Smoke Break.

Brainwaves > Emoticons 

Is Waka Flocka actually running for president? what the what is that about?

As if politics aren't a joke already.

So it goes.

Grow up humanity.


trees are magical. 

I'm officially distracted. 

wander more . stress less. 

be free fellow earthlings!


Head Thoughts

It's kind of like a puppet show but more frustrating. 

Maybe it's over fabricated in my head.

But we tried to attack Syria sometime back.

Don't ask me when I don't do so good with keeping up with time and politics.

I follow the basics. I follow intuition.

I take care of me and my own.

Less is more.

Anywho people kind of got worried. Drone talk was a pretty new scare I believe.

But now their is a big bad wolf in Syria and Iraq again.

Also at some point this 10 years I've been hearing about how the fucking troops are coming home.

That's a decade of my life man.

Enough time for us to live in fear and get lost in a whole new world of... stuff.

It all started with the War in Afghanistan.

Makes sense. Attacked by terrorist, that's hypothetically where the big bad wolf is.

A couple years later we get magic phones and social media

Every year there's a shinier and shinier toy and a quicker and quicker way to the interwebs

I'm not saying all these toys are bad. I think they're the best weapon we have.

Going back to now:

10 years later

New iphone 6 and now a some magical, future watch, gadget... thing.

Now Obama has stated he has the power to do what he needs in Iraq and Syria without Congress.

His speech is at 9pm tomorrow.

This is just moments before the 9/11 moment.

I'm not asking you to live in fear.

I'm just asking you to tune in and listen.

I'm going to listen, but it don't feel right in my stomach man.

I'm shocked I've been able to hold focus to still be typing words.

Also a news clip I watched with the Prime Minister dude in the UK said the war over there would take a long time. He spoke in decades I don't remember whether plural or just one.

But I've already seen a decade of this repetitiousness.

Change is happening. 

Even if it's another 10 years of fear and high tech gear.

It'll be more intense. The interweb is still very new to us.

Maybe I just have to much hope in man.

Take time to look up at the stars.

If you read this far, we're gonna be alright. 

Be Free!

< 3 -ABC

(Pause) So What's The Bloody Point!?

What's the point? Why do I post a picture of doodles every morning when I have shirts to sell? Do you even sell shirts? Who am I talking to? What the hell is Sleepwalking anyway?

Hmmm..... well it's been a while since I rambled hard. 

1: I do sell shirts. I wish I had all the money to do this as a full scale, full time job business, but that ain't how I do. I make up as I go, I make use of what I have, I make it what I want it to be.

2: By my definition to Sleepwalk is to: "Live. Dream. Get lost in between.". In other words things are NOT how they be. They are what you make them to be. We all have magic to make our own realities, but only some of us really tap into that energy.

3: I post drawings because that's how this clothing line started. Drawings in a notebook when I feel overwhelmed by feelings I cannot put into writings. They are all part of the same world I run to in my head. They are all "Alfreds" and they all live in a place I think I call "Corduroy Cove".

4: I do not sleep a lot. 3 hours here. 4 hours there. I find magic by in peoploids. In animals. In conversation. In books. In rambles. In drawing.

5: The idea of Sleepwalking Collective is to inspire others to do the same. I don't care if you draw, write, sing, play guitar, but get lost in whatever the doing you do. If one person listens, if 10 listen then cool. Mostly it's for me.

6: Sleepwalking Collective is a clothing line: Yes. I want it to be greater. I want it to be a movement of art. I want it to be more than just me, but these things must happen organically. There will be more items available. I don't try too hard to front I'm more than I am. I just had to start somewhere that was comfortable for me. Some months I make no money, others $50, mostly somewhere in between.

I am already exactly who I've always thought I would be. The rest happens when you take time to just let things be. Sometimes I post absurd stuff. Sometimes it's heart felt thoughts.

7: I want to do a many of things. I got many more books I want to write: kid's books, graphic novel/poetry epics, and many many more. I want to make music again. I want to perform music again. It all can't happen overnight. Shit.. It took me how long to even start a clothing line and write a book.

Time is a joke.

She creates knots and expectation. Just because some tweeny pop star took over the world overnight doesn't mean you have to. I mean look at the old man who wrote Game of Thrones. Homeboy hasn't even finished writing those books yet. 

LASTLY... Sleepwalking is a Revolution. I don't expect you to believe me. It's a shift in consciousness, but it has to start within.

I don't do time, but something happened at the beginning of 2014. The beginning of the end of the corporate machine.  

Those machines didn't rise to power in the blink of an eye. They didn't do it alone. I can't do this alone.

The shift won't happen overnight, but I predict it will by the end of my life and I expect to live between 85 and 100. So we have at least 58 years worth of work to do.

I'm only trying to creep into you're thinking patterns. You can call it absurd or just words. I've already said a whole lotta lot of brain thoughts and my attention span is that of a fly.

Enough of my ramblings. Be Free Fellow Earthlings. Be Free!

48 Stars

I saw a 48 starred United States flag today. I wanted to purchase it, but decided not to just yet.

It reminded me of another time when the United States was simpler, before the World Wars, before whatever happened in the early 20th Century that made the world more power hungry than ever before. 

Something happened that shook the world. Maybe it's just fear. Maybe it was aliens.

All I know is when those two bombs were dropped on Japan there was no turning back. To contain an empire you need to instill fear. The worst kind of fear is the subtle fear. Fear to leave home.

I saw 48 starred flag today. It made me reflect. My ramblings could go on forever but there are jobs to found and life to be lived. Be free fellow Earthlings. Be Free.


Thomas Jefferson

Digging really deep into this Thomas Jefferson biography as of late.

 The man is a brilliant mind who's principles (amongst the other founding fathers) has been totally manipulated in recent decades.   

Expect a blog post full of Jefferson quotes really soon. The man is fucking brilliant. 

Do yourself a favor and read up on this philosopher and politician.

Too Hot

When I'm too warm; I have no ambition. Which a major reason for leaving Florida.  

Currently the outside temperature is perfect to me, but this apartment has no AC and the the circulation of outside air is mediocre at best.  

I don't like this one bit. I need a fan of some sort.  

There are far too many books and news articles to read, but this warm apartment has disabled all such longings. I just want to fall asleep and wake up in need of a blanket. 

I'm over the "Ashamed to be American Shit"

But I'm also tired of politicians who we vote into office being stubborn assholes. 

Take gay marriage as an example. Let's be real with each other. To me not voting it into law is makes us look just as extreme Christian as the radical Muslim countries ​we hate on so much. And don't tell me we don't hate. Because this country does. Not everyone. But a lot of us.

Just ready for this country to be logical again. We need more politicians to call things like it they are. Sometimes there is no black and white, sometimes there's a weird grey area and that should be addressed and we should be okay with meeting in the grey.​

​Let me go on record saying gay marriage... it ain't going to hurt nobody. Maybe Uncle Sam because that's more tax breaks. But I don't understand that part so maybe not so.

​We need American politicians to be more real like this dude!